Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 3

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Na m e : _______________________________________ Date: _____________________

Directions: Review the information in this Venn diagram and answer the following questions.

A Venn diagram helps you organize information
that is both the same and different.

  1. Who plays the guitar? __

  2. Who is allergic to cats? __

  3. Who was born on a Tuesday? ___

  4. Who likes math? __

  5. Whose favorite food is pizza? __

  6. Who’s allergic to flowers? __

  7. Who likes cats? __

  8. Who always wears yellow bows? __

  9. Who has red hair? __

  10. Whose favorite food is fish sticks with jam? __

Beth and Lisa are identical twins. They are exactly the same in so many ways.
There are many differences that also distinguish Beth from Lisa, as you can
see in this Venn diagram.

Beth Lisa
plays the piano have red
were born on
a Tuesday

favorite class
is math

can touch their nose
with their tongue

plays the guitar

favorite food is fish
sticks with jam
always wears
yellow bows in
her hair

loves dogs

is allergic to cats

likes cats

favorite food
is pizza

is allergic to flowers

always wears pink
bows in her hair

Beth & Lisa

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