Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 3

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Na m e : _______________________________________ Date: _____________________

Directions: Look at the pictures and captions. Write your predictions in the space provided.

Get a picture in your mind and imagine what’s next.

And then what happened?
George accidentally climbed into the paddock with an angry
bull. The bull was 100 yards away from George when he noticed
it. George is a very fast runner. George began to run, but he
didn’t notice that his shoe was untied. Instead of stopping to tie his shoe,
George tossed the shoe off and continued running back toward the fence.

Boris the mad scientist is very forgetful. Just after Boris
reminded himself never to pour liquid X and liquid Y together,
the phone rang. Boris needed a free hand to answer the phone
so he emptied one bottle into the other and put down the
empty vile. Suddenly...

Ack the cat is very afraid of rats. Ack is also very hungry; he has
had a long, hard day of naps. Instead of finding minced mackerel,
Ack finds a big hungry rat sitting on his food dish. Suddenly...

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