Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 3

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Na m e : _______________________________________ Date: _____________________

Directions: Read the economic graph and answer the following questions.

I love graphs! They make reading and separating
information easier.

  1. In which quarter did Burger & Buns lead in average meal? _____

  2. How much did families spend on average at Pizza Palace in the 4thquarter? __

  3. In which quarter did Salad Hut finish first? ____

  4. On average, what did a family spend at Burger & Buns in the 1stquarter? ____

  5. On average, what did a family spend at Salad Hut in the 2ndquarter? ____

  6. On average, what did a family spend at Pizza Palace in the 3rdquarter? __

  7. How much more per meal did Burger & Buns earn than Salad Hut in the
    1 stquarter? __

A survey was taken at Ashford Elementary to determine the kids’ favorite restaurants.
Salad Hut, Burger & Buns, and Pizza Palace were the winners. The school newspaper
decided to interview the owners of each restaurant to find out what families spent on
an average meal in each of the four quarters last year. Below are the results.
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