Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 3

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read the paragraph below and complete the cause-and-effect chart.

Always think carefully about what causes a reaction,
then you’ll totally understand cause and effect.

Erosion is a natural process. During the erosion
process, soil and rocks are worn away by the
elements. Most erosion results from a combination
of several factors, including heat, cold, gases, water,
wind, gravity, and plant life. In some parts of the
Earth, one cause may occur more than another.
Beaches are eroded by water, and deserts are eroded
by wind. Erosion is put into two categories: rock
erosion and soil erosion.


  1. The ocean waves crash
    against the shore.

  2. A stream travels across a
    large boulder.

  3. Ice freezes the sidewalk.

  4. A seed on the side of a
    mountain grows into a
    large tree.

Effect/Rock or Soil Erosion

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