Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 3

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Na m e : _______________________________________ Date: _____________________

Directions: Read the character descriptions and then answer the questions below.

Attributes make one character different from another.

  1. Which of these three characters would you describe as “dedicated”?
    Give reasons why. ___

  2. What are the strongest attributes of each of the characters?
    Jake: __
    Edith: _____
    Marshall: __

  3. Write a story with these three characters in it. Make sure you include all of the
    character’s attributes. Use the back of the page to finish your story.

Jake Mac Muscle:Jake is the strongest kid in the
fourth grade. He can lift two lunch tables at the same
time. That’s a lunch table complete with lunches. Jake
trains hard to keep his strength up. Every day he goes
to the gym and exercises his muscles. Jake’s goal is to
be the strongest boy in the world. At the moment he is
considered the second strongest boy in the world.

Edith Egress:Edith is a loyal friend and an excellent student. Edith has never
received a grade lower than an A on any test, and she always helps her friends
study. Edith wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up. She loves animals.

Marshall Dodge:Marshall is the school crossing guard. When he isn’t watching
out for traffic, Marshall keeps the peace in the lunch yard. Teachers often ask
Marshall to be their helper. When Marshall grows up he wants to be a
policeman or an FBI agent.

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