Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 3

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read each paragraph and answer the questions by circling the correct answer.

Sometimes an author will give you only a little
information and you must guess the rest.

  1. Which probably happened?
    a. Julie went home from school because she was sick.
    b. Julie fell asleep during class.
    c. Julie forgot her homework.
    d. Julie accidentally had someone else’s backpack.

“Mom, Mom, where are you? I want to tell you something!” yelled
Harry. Harry’s mother could hear her son screaming from outside of the
house. Quick footsteps followed, as the front door slammed shut. Then
she heard Harry’s laughter and saw his smiling face.

  1. What do you think Harry was going to tell her?
    a. Harry got into a fight after school.
    b. Harry got mud on his pants.
    c. Harry was hungry for his after-school snack.
    d. Harry had good news to tell her.

The two men sitting in the alley were wearing dirty clothes with holes
in the knees. One man had newspapers over his legs. The other man
had a shopping cart filled with paper bags and blankets next to him.

  1. What can you infer about these men?
    a. They were homeless.
    b. They were actors in a play.
    c. They worked in a modern office building.
    d. They were enjoying the scenery.

Julie wished she was sick so she could have stayed home from school. She stomped
into the classroom and threw her backpack onto her chair. She watched
as others opened their backpacks and took out their homework
papers. Then she slowly put her head down on her desk.
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