Reading Comprehension and Skills Booklet -Grade 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Name Reading Fiction

I have a funny cat named Sam. He imagines that he is a dog! He likes to run
after balls that jingle. He brings them back when I throw them. He chases his tail.
He even growls at the mailman! Sam’s best friend is my little brother, Robert. He
follows Robert around the house and sleeps on his bed. Robert wants to teach
Sam to walk on a leash. We are sure he can learn!

  1. What is a good title for this story?
    a. Cat or Dog?
    b. Robert’s Best Friend
    c. The Mailman

  2. What does Sam imagine?

  3. What are three things Sam likes to do?




  1. What does Robert want to teach Sam to do?

  2. What are some other things you can train a pet to do?

Read the story. Then, answer the questions.

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