Reading Comprehension and Skills Booklet -Grade 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Name Reading about Science

The Water Cycle

All water on the earth is part of the same cycle. Water starts out in oceans, lakes,
and streams. When the sun heats the water, water drops rise into the air. Water in
this form is called steam. As the air cools, the water drops form clouds. When the
clouds become too heavy with water, they produce rain, sleet, or snow. The rain
falls back to the earth. Some of the water goes into the soil, where it helps the
plants grow. Some of the water falls into the ocean. Then, the water cycle begins
again. The next time you drink a glass of water, think about where it came from!

  1. What is the main idea of this story?
    a. All water on earth moves through a cycle.
    b. Think about where your glass of water came from.
    c. Rain moves water back to the earth.

  2. Where does the water cycle begin?

  3. What happens when the sun heats the water up?

  4. When do water drops form clouds?

  5. What happens when clouds have too much water?

  6. Where does the rain go after it falls back to the earth?

Read the story. Then, answer the questions.
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