World History, Grades 9-12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
sbhb-annos. sbhb-annos light.

Symbols and Visual Details

  • Stars and stripes

  • Hammer and sickle

  • Lit fuse

  • Both nations hold the scissors


  • United States

  • Soviet Union

  • Danger

  • Cooperation


The United States and the
Soviet Union are trying to
prevent their differences
from destroying the world.


1.1 Determining Main Ideas

The MAIN IDEAis a statement that sums up the most important point of a paragraph,
a passage, an article, or a speech. Determining the main idea will increase your
understanding as you read about historic events, people, and places. Main ideas are
supported by details and examples.

Understanding the Skill

STRATEGY: IDENTIFY THE TOPIC.To find the main idea of a passage, first identify the
topic. Then, as you read, define the central idea about the topic that the many details
explain or support. The following passage contains information about the Renaissance.
The diagram organizes the information to help you determine the main idea.

STRATEGY: MAKE A DIAGRAM.State the topic and list the supporting details in a
chart. Use the information you record to help you state the main idea.

Applying the Skill
MAKE YOUR OWN DIAGRAM.Turn to Chapter 19, page 530. Read “Technology
Makes Exploration Possible.” Make a diagram, like the one above, to identify the
topic, the most important details, and the main idea of the passage.

Section 1:Reading Critically

Identify the topic by first
looking at the title or subtitle.
This title suggests a quick way
to identify the topic by looking
for the name of the Renaissance
woman, Isabella d’Este.

Look at the beginning and
ending sentences of each
paragraph for possible clues
to the main idea.

Read the entire passage.
Look for details about the
topic. What central idea do
they explain or support?




Think how each detail
supports the main idea.

Born into a
ruling family;
married into

artists to
her court.

an impor-
tant art

Main Idea – Isabella I ab lla
d’Este was a powerfulEaapfl
Renaissance woman.R nai an man.

Skilled in

Mantua in

Won her

Topic –Isabella dIa a ’EsteE


A Renaissance Woman
Isabella d’Este was a woman who lived during the Renaissance. This historic period produced
the ideal, or “universal,” man—one who excelled in many fields. The concept of universal excellence
applied almost exclusively to men. Yet a few women managed to succeed in exercising power.
Isabella d’Este was one such woman. Born into the ruling family of the city-state of Ferrara, she
married the ruler of Mantua, another city-state. Isabella brought many Renaissance artists to her court
and acquired an art collection that was famous throughout Europe. She was also skilled in politics.
When her husband was taken captive in war, Isabella defended Mantua and won his release.




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