World History, Grades 9-12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

2.4 Developing Historical Perspective

DEVELOPING HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE means understanding events and people in
the context of their times. It means not judging the past by current values, but by taking
into account the beliefs of the time.

Understanding the Skill
STRATEGY: LOOK FOR VALUES OF THE PAST.The following passage was written
by Bartolomé de Las Casas, a Spanish missionary who defended the rights of Native
Americans. It challenges an argument presented by a scholar named Sepúlveda, who
held that the Spaniards had the right to enslave the Native Americans. Following the
passage is a chart that summarizes the information from a historical perspective.


Applying the Skill

WRITE YOUR OWN SUMMARY. Turn to Chapter 11, page 319, and read the excerpt
from Medieval Russia’s Epics, Chronicles, and Tales. Read the passage using
historical perspective. Then summarize your ideas in a chart like the one above.

Section 2: Higher-Order Critical Thinking

Identify the historical figure,
the occasion, and the date.

Look for clues to the attitudes,
customs, and values of people
living at the time. As a Spanish
missionary, Las Casas assumes
that Europeans are more civilized
than Native Americans and that
Native Americans need to be
converted to Catholicism.

Explain how people’s actions
and words reflected the atti-
tudes, values, and passions of
the era. Las Casas challenges
prejudices about Native Americans
that were widely held in Europe.
His language emphasizes a favor-
able comparison between Native
American and European societies.

Notice words, phrases, and settings that reflect the period.
Las Casas speaks from a time when Europeans looked to classical
Greece as a benchmark for civilization.





In Defense of the Indians (1550)
Bartolomé de Las Casas
Now if we shall have shown that among our Indians of the western and southern shores
(granting that we call them barbarians and that they are barbarians) there are important kingdoms,
large numbers of people who live settled lives in a society, great cities, kings, judges and laws, persons
who engage in commerce, buying, selling, lending, and the other contracts of the law of nations, will
it not stand proved that the Reverend Doctor Sepúlveda has spoken wrongly and viciously against
peoples like these?... From the fact that the Indians are barbarians it does not necessarily follow that
they are incapable of government and have to be ruled by others, except to be taught about the
Catholic faith and to be admitted to the holy sacraments. They are not ignorant, inhuman, or
bestial. Rather, long before they had heard the word Spaniard they had properly organized states,
wisely ordered by excellent laws, religion, and custom. They cultivated friendship and, bound together
in common fellowship, lived in populous cities in which they wisely administered the affairs of both
peace and war justly and equitably, truly governed by laws that at very many points surpass ours, and
could have won the admiration of the sages of Athens....

1 2 2 3 3 4


Use historical perspective to
understand Las Casas’s atti-
tudes. In a chart, list key words,
phrases, and details from the
passage. In a short paragraph,
summarize the basic values and
attitudes of Las Casas.

Key Phrases Las Casas’s In Defense of the Indians

  • barbarians

  • Catholic faith

  • not inhuman, ignorant,
    or bestial

  • properly organized
    states, wisely ordered

  • sages of Athens

Las Casas argues that Native Americans are not inhuman and do
not deserve cruelty and slavery. Rather, they are fully capable
of “coming up” to the level of Spanish civilization. Although he
makes the statement that Native Americans are barbarians, his
language and comparisons seem to suggest that he believes them
to be highly civilized in many respects. At the same time, he
believes in the importance of converting them to Catholicism.
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