World History, Grades 9-12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

2.10 Analyzing Bias

BIAS is a prejudiced point of view. Historical accounts that are biased tend to be
one-sided and reflect the personal prejudices of the historian.

Understanding the Skill

Amerigo Vespucci reached the coast of Brazil in 1502, on his second voyage to the
Americas. Below are his impressions of the people he met.


Applying the Skill
MAKE YOUR OWN CHART. Look at the quotation by the Qing emperor Kangxi in the
Primary Source in Chapter 19, page 549. Summarize the underlying assumptions and
biases using a chart like the one shown.

Section 2: Higher-Order Critical Thinking

Identify the author and infor-
mation about him or her. Does
the author belong to a special-
interest group, social class, political
party, or movement that might
promote a one-sided or slanted
viewpoint on the subject?

Search for clues. Are there
words, phrases, statements, or
images that might convey a
positive or negative slant? What
might these clues reveal about
the author’s bias?

Examine the evidence. Is
the information that the author
presents consistent with other
accounts? Is the behavior described
consistent with human nature as
you have observed it?




Amerigo Vespucci Reports on the People of Brazil
For twenty-seven days I ate and slept among them, and what I learned about them is as follows.
Having no laws and no religious faith, they live according to nature. They understand nothing
of the immortality of the soul. There is no possession of private property among them, for everything
is in common. They have no boundaries of kingdom or province. They have no king, nor do they obey
anyone. Each one is his own master. There is no administration of justice, which is unnecessary
to them, because in their code no one rules...
They are also a warlike people and very cruel to their own kind... That which made me...
astonished at their wars and cruelty was that I could not understand from them why they made war
upon each other, considering that they held no private property or sovereignty of empire and king-
doms and did not know any such thing as lust for possession, that is pillaging or a desire to rule,
which appear to me to be the causes of wars and every disorderly act. When we requested them
to state the cause, they did not know how to give any other cause than that this curse upon them
began in ancient times and they sought to avenge the deaths of their forefathers.







Make a chart of your analysis.
For each of the heads listed on
the left side of the chart, sum-
marize information presented in
the passage.

Vespucci ’s impressions of the native peoples of Brazil

author, date Amerigo Vespucci, 1502

occasion exploration of coast of Brazil on second voyage to Americas

tone judging, negative, superior

bias Since the native people do not live in organized states and have
no private property, they have no system of authority, laws, or
moral principles. They have no apparent religious beliefs. They
are warlike and cruel and seem to make war on one another for
no reason. The author’s comments about the soul seem to show a
bias towards his own religious beliefs. He also reveals a prejudice
that European customs and practices are superior to all others.
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