World History, Grades 9-12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Chapter 15

Al-Bakri, quoted in Africa in the Days of Exploration, 414
Ibn Battuta, quoted in Africa in the Days of Exploration, 416
From the Kano Chronicle, 418
Ibn Batutta, Travels of Ibn Batutta, 424

Chapter 16

From the Popol Vuh, 448
Crónica Mexicayotl, 454
Hernando Cortés, Letters of Information, 455
Bernal Díaz, The Conquest of New Spain, 455
From In the Trail of the Wind, 467

Chapter 17

Baldassare Castiglione, The Courtier, 473
Isabella D’Este, Letters, 473
Giovanni Boccaccio, Preface, Decameron, 476
Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince, 476
Vittoria Colonna, Poems, 477
Thomas More, Utopia, 482
Christine de Pizan, The Book of The City of Ladies, 482
William Shakespeare, Hamlet, 483
Martin Luther, quoted in The Protestant Reformation
by Lewis W. Spitz, 490
Katherina Zell, quoted in Women of the Reformation, 498
Ignatius of Loyola, Spiritual Exercises, 498
Martin Luther,quoted in A World Lit Only By Fire:
The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance, 501
Steven Ozment,Protestants: The Birth of a Revolution, 501
G. R. Elton,Reformation Europe, 501
Hans Brosamer, “Seven-Headed Martin Luther” (1529), 501
Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince, 503

Chapter 18

Kritovoulos,History of Mehmed the Conqueror, 509, 525

Chapter 19

Afonso de Albuquerque, from The Commentaries of the
Great Afonso Dalbuquerque, 533
Qian-Long, from a letter to King George III of Great Britain, 540
Matsuo Basho, from Matsuo Basho, 544
Anonymous Japanese Writer, quoted in Sources of Japanese
Tradition, 545
Kangxi, quoted in Emperor of China: Self-Portrait of
K’Ang-Hsi, 549

Chapter 20

Christopher Columbus, Journal of Columbus, 553
Samuel Eliot Morison,Admiral of the Ocean Sea, 560
Bartolomé de Las Casas,quoted in Columbus: The Great
Adventure, 560
Suzan Shown Harjo,“I Won’t Be Celebrating Columbus
Day,” Newseek,Fall/Winter 1991, 560
Olaudah Equiano, quoted in Eyewitness: The Negro in
American History, 569
Bernardino de Sahagun, quoted in Seeds of Change, 573
Thomas Mun, quoted in World Civilizations, 575
John Cotton, quoted in The Annals of America, 577

Chapter 21

Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote de la Mancha, 592
Jean Bodin, Six Books on the State, 595
Duke of Saint-Simon,Memoirs of Louis XIV and the
Regency, 599
Frederick II,Essay on Forms of Government, 606
From the English Bill of Rights, 619

Chapter 22

Galileo Galilei,quoted in The Discoverers, 625
Jean Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract, 631
Baron de Montesquieu, The Spirit of Laws, 631
Voltaire,Candide, 635
Jonathan Swift,Gulliver’s Travels, 635
William Hogarth, Canvassing for Votes (painting), 635
Preamble, Constitution of the United States of America, 647

Chapter 23

Comte D’Antraigues, quoted in Citizens: A Chronicle of the
French Revolution, 652
Maximilien Robespierre,“On the Morals and Political
Principles of Domestic Policy,” 660
Charles Dickens,A Tale of Two Cities, 662
Edmund Burke, quoted in Burke’s Politics, 662
Thomas Paine, from The Writings of Thomas Paine, 662
Napoleon,quoted in Napoleonby André Castelot, 665
Simón Bolívar, fromSelected Writings of Bolívar, 677

Chapter 24

Otto von Bismarck,speech to the German parliament on
February 6, 1888, 705

Chapter 25

Edward Bains,The History of Cotton Manufacture in Great
Britain, 720
Elizabeth Gaskell,Mary Barton, 724
Hugh Miller,“Old Red Sandstone,” 728
Lucy Larcom,A New England Girlhood, 730
Alexis de Tocqueville, 1848 speech, 735
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, 736
Mary Paul,quoted in Women and the American
Experience, 741
Andrew Carnegie,Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie, 741
Friederich Engels, The Condition of the Working Class in
England in 1844, 741
Walter Crane (political cartoon), 741
Charles Dickens,Hard Times, 743

Chapter 26

Emmeline Pankhurst, Why We Are Militant, 749
William Bennett, quoted in Narrative of a Recent Journey
of Six Weeks in Ireland, 754
William Shorey Coodey,quoted in The Trail of Tears, 758
Seneca Falls Convention, “Declaration of Sentiments,” 769

Chapter 27

Cecil Rhodes,Confession of Faith, 775
Edward Morel,The Black Man’s Burden, 782
J. A. Hobson, Imperialism, 785
Dadabhai Naoroji, speech before Indian National
Congress, 1871, 785

Primary and Secondary Sources (continued)

Soldiers! I am pleased with you. On the day
of Austerlitz, you justified everything that I
was expecting of [you].... In less than
four hours, an army of 100,000 men,
commanded by the emperors of Russia
and Austria, was cut up and dispersed....
12 0 pieces of artillery, 20 generals, and more than 30,000
men taken prisoner—such are the results of this day
which will forever be famous.... And it will be enough
for you to say, “I was at Austerlitz,” to hear the reply: “There is
a brave man!”
NAPOLEON,quoted in Napoleonby André Castelot
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