World History, Grades 9-12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Jules Ferry,quoted in The Human Record: Sources of Global
History, 785
“The Devilfish in Egyptian Waters” (political cartoon), 785
Jamal al-Din al-Afghani,in a letter to Hasan Shirazi, April
1891, 790
Lord Kitchener, quoted in Asia and Western Dominance, 794
King Chulalongkorn, “Royal Proclamation in Education,” 798
Kwaku Dua IIIto Frederic M. Hodgson, 1889, 801

Chapter 28

Lin Zexu, quoted in China’s Response to the West, 806
Ponciano Arriaga,speech to the Constitutional Convention,
1856–1857, 824
From an article in the Tokyo Times, 829

Chapter 29

Frédéric Passy, quoted inNobel: The Man and His Prizes, 842
Valentine Fleming, quoted in The First World War, 847
Shirley Millard, I Saw Them Die, 854
Harry Truman, quoted in The First World War, 855
Herbert Sulzbach, With the German Guns, 855
Woodrow Wilson, 1917 speech to Congress, 857
Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front, 857
Wilfred Owen, “Dulce et Decorum Est,” 857
Maurice Neumont, “They Shall Not Pass, 1914–1918” 857
From an editorial in Vossische Zeitung, May 18, 1915, 863

Chapter 30

Mao Zedong, quoted in Chinese Communism and the Rise of
Mao, 884
Mohandas K. Gandhi, Chapter XVII, Hind Swaraj, 888
Mohandas K. Gandhi, The Origin of Nonviolence, 888
Mohandas K. Gandhi,Letter to Sir Daniel Hamilton, 893

Chapter 31

F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, 898
Franklin Roosevelt,First Inaugural Address, 909
Erich Ludendorff,letter to President Hindenburg,
February 1, 1933, 912
Winston Churchill, speech before the House of Commons,
October 5, 1938, 919
William Shirer, quoted in The Strenuous Decade, 921

Chapter 32

General Charles de Gaulle, quoted inCharles de Gaulle:
A Biography, 927
Lieutenant John Spainhower, quoted inWar Diary
1939–1945, 932
Ralph G. Martin,in The GI War, 935
M. I. Libau, quoted in Never to Forget: The Jews of
the Holocaust, 937
Elie Wiesel,quoted inNight, 939
Simon Weisenthal, quoted in Never to Forget: The Jews of the
Holocaust, 949
From The Christian Century, August 29, 1945, 953

Chapter 33

Winston Churchill, “Iron Curtain” speech, March 1946, 967
Harry S. Truman,speech to Congress, March 12, 1947, 968
Fidel Castro,quoted in an interview, October 27, 1962, 985
Robert McNamara,quoted in Inside the Cold War, 990
Ho Chi Minh,quoted in America and Vietnam, 993

Chapter 34

Zahida Amjad Ali, Freedom, Trauma, Continuities, 999
Jawaharlal Nehru,speech before the Constituent Assembly,
August 14, 1947, 999
New York Times, June 28, 1998, 1001
Corazón Aquino, inaugural speech, February 24, 1986, 1006
Megawati Sukarnoputri, July 23, 2001, 1008
Fawaz Turki, quoted in The Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1020

Abraham Tamir, quoted in From War to Peace, 1020
Anwar Sadat, Knesset speech, November 20, 1977, 1020
Arthur James Balfour,in a letter to Lord Rothschild,
November 2, 1917, 1029

Chapter 35

Ken Saro-Wiwa, A Month and a Day: A Detention Diary, 1042
David M. Kotz, “The Cure That Could Kill,” 1050
Xiao Ye, “Tiananmen Square: A Soldier’s Story,” 1061
Orville Schell,“The Coming of Mao Zedong Chic,” 1067

Chapter 36

Lester R. Brown, 1081
The Liberty Institute, 1081
Chris Madden (political cartoon), 1081
Josef Joffe, from “America the Inescapable,” 1099

Comparing & Contrasting

Unit 1
Code of Hammurabi, adapted from a translation by James B.
Pritchard, 1 15
From The Bible, 115
Confucius, the Analects, 115
Unit 2
Edgar Allan Poe, from “To Helen,” 2 55
Fa Xian, from The Travels of Fa Xian, 255
Pericles, Funeral Oration, 257
Henry C. Boren, Roman Society, 257
Rhoads Murphey, A History of Asia, 257
Unit 3
Francesco Balducci Pegolotti, The Discoverers, 435
Ibn Battuta, Ibn Battuta in Black Africa, 435
Fernão Lopes de Castanheda, History of the Discovery and
Conquest of India, 435
Unit 4
Niccolò Machiavelli, The Discourses, 583
Garcilaso de la Vega, The Incas, 583
Unit 5
From the English Parliament’s Bill of Rights, 1689, 709
Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 710
Simón Bolívar, “The Jamaica Letter,” 711
Maximilien Robespierre, speech of February 5, 1794, 711
Unit 6
Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel, 833
John Vaughn, “Thirty Years of the Telephone,” 833
Paul Johnson, The Birth of the Modern, 835
Unit 7
American Consul General at Beirut, letter to the U.S. Secretary
of State, 1 91 5, 957
Primo Levi, Survival in Auschwitz, 957
Sergeant Major Ernest Shepherd, A Sergeant-Major’s
War, 958
U.S. Marine Corps correspondent, article, 958
Laura de Gozdawa Turczynowicz, When the Prussians Came
to Poland, 959
Tatsuichiro Akizuki, Nagasaki, 1945, 959
Unit 8
David Lamb, The Africans, 1103
Ariel Sharon, inauguration speech, March 7, 2001, 1104
Abdul Kalam, inauguration speech, July 25, 2002, 1104
Vicente Fox, inauguration speech, December 1, 2000, 1104
Olusegun Obasanjo, inauguration speech, May 29, 1999, 1105
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, inauguration speech, January 20,
2001, 1105

Primary and Secondary Sources (continued)

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