World History, Grades 9-12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

420 Chapter 15

Benin Bronzes

Benin is famous for its bronze and brass sculptures. Benin sculpture was

made by guilds controlled by the king. One of the main functions of

Benin art was to please the ruler by recording his history or by displaying

his power. For instance, brass plaques commemorating the ruler’s great

achievements adorned the palace walls. Busts of the ruler and his family

showed them as idealized figures.

RESEARCH LINKSFor more on Benin art,
go to

Queen Mother
Perhaps the most widely known type of Benin
sculpture was the royal head, such as this one.
In Benin, the Queen Mother held a lot of
power. To symbolize that power, she wore
a woven crown called a “chicken’s beak.”

Plaques such as this
decorated the palace of
the Oba, or ruler, of Benin

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