World History, Grades 9-12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


One characteristic of Maya architecture is
the exterior and interior ornamental detailing.
This two-headed jaguar throne was found at
Uxmal. It represents the jaguar god of the
underworld, one of the many Maya gods. An
ancient Maya manuscript lists over 160 gods.

A stele (STEE•lee) is an inscribed
or carved marker that is often
used to mark special dates or as
a building marker. This stele is in
the Maya city of Copán and is
part of a series of finely carved
commemorative steles in the
great plaza. The 13th king is
represented on most of the
steles in ceremonial clothing.

Maya Architecture

Maya architects created beautiful and monumental structures. The

buildings are artistic in structure, as well as in ornamentation. The style

and complexity of the ornamentation varies by region, but narrative,

ceremonial, and celestial themes are common. Archaeologists and

tourists alike are still awed by Maya architecture.

These large structures seem to be designed for ceremonial or

religious purposes and dominate the landscapes of the cities. The most

recognizable structures are the pyramids, but there is much more to the

artful Maya architecture.

RESEARCH LINKSFor more on Maya
architecture, go to

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