World History, Grades 9-12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The Atlantic World,


Previewing Main Ideas

CULTURAL INTERACTION The voyages of Columbus prompted a

worldwide exchange of everything from religious and political ideas to new

foods and plants.

GeographyAccording to the map, what lands were included in the

viceroyalty of New Spain in 1700?

ECONOMICS The vast wealth to be had from colonizing the Americas

sealed the fate of millions of Native Americans and Africans who were forced

to work in mines and on plantations.

GeographyOn which coast of the Americas would enslaved persons from

Africa have arrived?

EMPIRE BUILDING Over the span of several centuries, Europeans

conquered the Americas’ native inhabitants and built powerful American


GeographyWhat two major Native American empires did the Spanish

conquer in the sixteenth century?


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    VIDEO Patterns of Interaction
    video series: The Impact of
    Potatoes and Sugar


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