The Russian Empire 1450–1801

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Figure 13.1Ukrainian-trained engravers brought baroque book illustration to Moscow in
the second half of the seventeenth century, often using it to political ends. In the frontispiece
to Lazar Baranovych’sBlagodat’i istina[“Grace and Truth”] (Chernigov, 1689), engraver
Ivan Shchirsky depicts co-tsars Ioann and Peter Alekseevichi with Christ at center, while a
maiden is being crowned above in emulation of the iconographic representation of“Holy
Wisdom.”This is considered an allegorical reference to regent Sofiia Alekseevna, whose
name means“wisdom.”General Research Division, The New York Public Library.

268 The Russian Empire 1450– 1801

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