The Russian Empire 1450–1801

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
1 (1985): 1–30 and his“Orthodoxy and Russia’s Enlightenment, 1762–1825,”in Robert
L. Nichols and Theofanis George Stavrou, eds.,Russian Orthodoxy under the Old Regime
(Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1978); Brenda Meehan,Holy Women of
Russia: The Lives of Five Orthodox Women Offer Spiritual Guidance for Today(San
Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1993); Gary Marker,“God of our Mothers : Reflections
on Lay Female Spirituality in Late Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century Russia,”in
Valerie A. Kivelson and Robert H. Greene, eds.,Orthodox Russia: Belief and Practice
under the Tsars(University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2003).
Georg Michels chronicles the outbreak of the Schism inAt War with the Church: Religious
Dissent in Seventeenth-Century Russia(Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1999)
and in several articles:“Ruling without Mercy: Seventeenth-Century Russian Bishops
and their Officials,”Kritika: Explorations in Russian & Eurasian History4 (2003):
515 – 42;“Muscovite Elite Women and Old Belief,”Harvard Ukrainian Studies 19
(1997): 428–50; and“The Violent Old Belief: An Examination of Religious Dissent
on the Karelian Frontier,”Russian History19 (1992): 203–30. On the spiritual and
institutional development of Old Belief: Robert O. Crummey,Old Believers in a Chan-
ging World(DeKalb, Ill.: Northern Illinois University Press, 2011) and hisThe Old
Believers & the World of Antichrist: The Vyg Community & the Russian State, 1694– 1855
(Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1970); Irina Paert,Old Believers: Religious
Dissent and Gender in Russia, 1760– 1850 (Manchester: Manchester University Press,
2003); Roy R. Robson,Old Believers in Modern Russia(DeKalb, Ill.: Northern Illinois
University Press, 1995).
The biographies (secular hagiography) of Avvakum and Morozova: Basil Dmytryshyn, ed.,
Medieval Russia: A Source Book, 850– 1700 , 3rd edn. (Fort Worth: Holt, Rinehart and
Winston, 1991), 479–97.
On the Uniate Church under Russian control: Barbara Skinner,The Western Front of the
Eastern Church: Uniate and Orthodox Conflict in Eighteenth-Century Poland, Ukraine,
Belarus, and Russia(DeKalb, Ill.: Northern Illinois University Press, 2009); Larry Wolff,
“The Uniate Church and the Partitions of Poland: Religious Survival in an Age of
Enlightened Absolutism,”Harvard Ukrainian Studies26 (2002–3): 153–244.

426 The Russian Empire 1450– 1801

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