The Russian Empire 1450–1801

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Eastern Orthodoxy (cont.)
Georgian 244
Greek 244, 255
Syrian 244
Patriarchs of 247–8, 257, 422
Alexandria 244
Antioch 244
Constantinople 244
Jerusalem 244
economic diversity 431;see alsosociety,
inequality in
economic opportunity 26, 219, 239, 326,
394, 450
economic problems 166, 200, 361– 2
economics 16–17, 21, 35, 88–9, 98, 106, 124,
176, 183, 188, 217, 225–6, 276,
302, 312, 327–9, 334, 372, 395,
415 – 16, 445
economy of the Russian Empire, the
actors within 432
agrarian 43, 57, 59, 81, 187, 199, 362, 433
changes in 321
contributions to 124
control of the 202, 365
diversity/diversification of 30, 435, 460
growth of 6, 10–11, 18, 38, 109, 199, 201–2,
204, 239, 242–3, 270, 277, 318,
334, 355, 361–3, 372, 378, 387,
397, 452
health of 375, 450
influences upon 23
management of 124
manorial 109
monopolization of 108
nature of 59, 199, 206, 300, 370, 395
peasant 10, 187, 224–5, 227–8, 233, 373– 4
policies regarding 200, 212, 292, 326, 394
privileges pertaining toseeprivileges, economic
raiding 57–8, 71
reform of 38, 202, 205
Ediger, Khan 60
Edirne 32, 235
Edmonton (Alberta) 21
education 77, 108, 111, 118–19, 135, 254, 256,
261, 267, 270, 283, 300, 304, 306,
312, 337, 376, 393–4, 399, 401,
404, 407, 414–16, 421, 424,
430 – 1, 433–6, 439, 441, 447,
449 – 50, 452, 459–60;see also
Egypt 31, 34, 141, 458
Ekaterinburg 97, 99, 323, 341, 407
Ekaterinoslav 105, 114, 346, 357
elections 111, 150, 152, 280–1, 308– 9
Elena (daughter of Ivan III) 12
Elets 67
elite of the Russian Empire, the 3, 46, 48, 50,
60, 77, 79, 111, 115, 117, 120–1,
140 – 1, 149–50, 153–5, 160, 207,

215, 220–1, 250, 253, 255, 267,
271, 283, 292, 337, 358, 370, 386,
388, 413, 427–9, 432, 435–6,
439 – 40, 443–4, 447, 450–1, 459;
see alsoboyarsandgentryand
actions/activities of the 161, 369, 444
beliefs of 74, 260
cohesion amongst the 4, 427, 430–2, 435
culture of 133, 440, 443–4, 447, 451
landed 10–11, 43, 56, 89–90, 92, 213, 215
merchant 46
military 176
nature of the 210– 11
political 270, 458
position of 169
privileges of/support for 4, 10, 117, 220;
see alsoprivileges
role of 6, 212, 215
secular 131
size of 212
social 103
and the state 136, 140, 209– 11
treatment of 56, 313
Elizabeth I (Empress of Russia) 107–8, 113,
118, 151, 275–7, 279, 281–2, 284,
288, 290, 297–8, 306, 316, 319,
325 – 6, 329, 332, 336, 342, 345,
348, 351–2, 370, 376, 398, 401,
413, 432, 436, 444
“empire of difference”2, 6–7, 79, 125, 243,
373, 382, 457, 460, 462;see also
“politics of difference”
Emancipation Decree of the nobility
(1762) 314, 447
empire-building 161, 173, 339–40;see alsostate,
the, building
England 15, 26, 29–31, 33, 37–8, 50, 131, 137,
172, 179–80, 188–91, 197–8, 202,
271, 278, 297, 323, 378, 428, 432,
450;see alsoBritain
culture of 437–8, 446
people of/from 36, 52, 191, 219, 342, 391
English Club, the (St. Petersburg) 445
Enisei River 25, 27, 29, 49, 60–1, 64, 86–8,
195, 236
Eniseisk 61–2, 64–5, 86, 95, 242, 286
Saviour Monastery 286
Enlightenment, the 6, 46, 89, 103, 118, 261,
276, 278, 282–3, 292, 294, 306–8,
375 – 6, 386, 396, 414–16, 419,
427 – 8, 430, 433, 435, 437–8, 444,
446 – 7, 451–2, 457;see also
Republic of Letters
ideas/culture of 11, 110, 123, 269–70, 275,
296, 351–2, 365–6, 372, 381, 391,
412 – 13, 428, 440, 443, 445, 451, 454
enserfment 79, 100, 122, 177, 223, 230–1, 367;
see alsopeasantsandserfs

470 Index

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