The Russian Empire 1450–1801

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

flight from 58, 68;see alsoserfs, runaway
exemption from 60
environment, the 66, 225, 338
degradation of 33, 39
Erichsen, Vigilius 278
Ermak 60
Eskimos 23
Estland 13, 15, 52, 117–20, 122, 288–9, 307,
311, 322, 359, 364, 403, 456;
see alsoBaltic regionandEstonia
Estonia 26, 52, 116–17, 119, 359
Estonian Open Air Museum 119
Estonians 42, 118–19, 359
“Eternal Peace”treaty (1686), the 14– 15
ethics 98, 418
ethnicity 84, 89, 110, 119, 121, 123, 139,
310, 329, 338, 355–6, 358–9, 372,
434, 451, 454
diversity of 2, 4, 10–11, 35, 41, 59, 78, 84,
91, 95–6, 101, 114, 116, 120, 207,
225, 232, 309, 358, 387, 396, 435
ethnography 171, 274, 337, 339, 450–3, 460
Etkind, Alexander 80
Eurasia 2–3, 12, 21, 30, 32, 37, 39–40, 53, 129,
160, 230, 236, 457, 460
Russia and 2, 70
Europe 21, 23, 26, 32–3, 39, 176, 188,
218, 241, 283, 387, 420–1, 434,
440, 457, 460
colonial empires of 5, 26, 33, 36, 38–9, 83,
113 – 14, 121, 187, 189, 324
culture/style of 11, 46, 204, 220, 227, 258,
269, 271, 274, 276, 284, 288–9,
296, 320, 427, 431, 435, 437–41,
444, 446–7, 451, 455, 459
developmental path of 1
eastern 21, 227
northern vii
people of 2, 29, 35, 65, 137, 242, 260,
270, 391
population of 31
Russia and vii, 7, 15, 37, 114, 199, 277,
322, 327
western 235, 451
“Europeanization”108, 258, 269, 271, 274,
283, 320, 375, 398, 425, 431, 435,
439 – 40, 444, 447, 451, 455
Evangelical-Lutheran Charter for the
Protestants 408;see also
Protestanism, Lutheranism
Evenki 63
Evreinovs, the 380
Ewington, Amanda 438
exiles 64–5, 86, 105, 258;see also
punishment, exile
expenditure (state) 200, 301, 316–17, 328, 334
on the military/war 298, 300, 316–17,
319 – 20, 325, 328, 333–4, 344
experts 375–7, 402, 428

Falconet, Étienne Maurice
Bronze Horseman 282 – 3, 389
False Dmitrii (thefirst) 10
families 50, 88, 91, 100, 108, 135, 147,
153 – 4, 210, 213, 215–16, 226,
229, 242, 260, 297, 300–1, 304,
360, 366, 393, 418, 430–2, 436,
440, 444, 446, 458
famine 26–7, 29, 117, 166, 200
Far East, the 3, 5, 101, 338, 457
farmers 33, 45, 90, 214, 216, 218, 222, 226,
230, 360, 375
fashion 276, 393, 403, 427, 430–1, 446, 459;
see alsoEurope, style/culture of
Fedor Alekseevich 212, 269
Fedor Ivanovich (Tsar) 10, 148–9, 210
Fedorov, Ivan 37
Ferapontov Monastery 250
Filaret (Patriarch) 151, 247–8, 255
Filat’ev, Ostafii 242
Filippov, Ivan
History 418
filioque 423
finance (state) 5, 41, 173, 176, 205, 232, 242,
301, 306, 308, 312, 318, 320, 325,
332 – 4, 349, 381, 392, 432, 459;
see alsoexpenditureandincomeand
Treasury, the
budgets 16, 73, 199, 306, 310,
316 – 17, 333
institutions/apparatus of 316–17, 334, 459
policy relating to 33, 173, 199, 202, 316,
318, 329–30, 332– 4
Finance Ministry 317
Finland 26, 84, 118, 364
Finland, Gulf of 13, 15, 50, 52, 84, 191, 384
Finno-Ugric peoples 41–2, 45, 47, 51, 53, 55,
57, 60, 359, 362, 399
Finns 42, 50, 120, 332, 391, 454
Fioravanti, Aristoteli 142, 203
Flanders 189
Fletcher, Giles 258, 392
Fletcher, Joseph viii, 146
Flier, Michael viii
Florence 142
Florence-Ferrara Union 12, 48, 247, 249,
420 – 1;see alsoChurch Unions,
folk belief 258–61;see alsoreligion
Fonvizin, Denis 376, 438, 444
Brigadir 438
The Mirror 438
food and diet 2, 23, 26, 29, 96, 166, 222,
225 – 6, 336, 344, 353, 365,
369, 374
“forbidden years” 224
foreign policy 11, 13, 17, 73, 101, 125, 173,
212, 384;see alsodiplomacy

Index 471
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