The Russian Empire 1450–1801

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

law and order 232, 269–71, 303, 348, 379–81,
386 – 7, 434, 451;see alsopolice/
Lawcodes and decrees 461
of 1497 176, 184, 222
of 1550 176, 184, 222, 240
of 1649 138, 167, 169–71, 174–6, 178, 184,
198, 201, 214, 224, 239, 361, 364,
366, 461
New Commercial Code of 1667
193 – 4, 198
of 1669 169– 70
Military Code of 1715 261, 270, 348
Naval Statute of 1720 348
Ecclesiastical Regulationof 1722 349
of 1722 339
of 1724 303
VekselRegulation of 1729 325
of 1734 366
of 1751 352
of 1753 352
Edict of Toleration (1773) 399
Organic Law of 1775 307, 310, 382
Police Code of 1782 310, 381, 387
of May 3, 1783 122
of 1804 406
Le Blond, Jean-Baptiste 388
Leckey, Colum 372, 445
LeDonne, John 120, 280, 307, 310–11, 330–1,
333, 338, 343
Lefort, François 277
Left Bank Hetmanatesee underHetmanate, the
and underUkraine
legal structures 106, 111
Legislative Commission of 1767 91, 119, 363,
378, 380, 383, 387, 397, 452
legitimacy 4, 38, 129, 135, 141, 150–5, 168,
270, 275–6, 279, 281–3, 294, 316;
see alsoRussian Orthodoxy, as code
of political legitimacy
claims to 37, 130–1, 139, 279
creating 3, 129–33, 135–7, 140–3, 151–2,
160, 209, 244, 249, 271–2,
275, 294
Leiden 118
Leipzig 118, 446
Lieven, Dominic 460
Lena administrative distict 65
Lena River 25, 64, 86, 170, 236
Le Prince, Jean Baptiste 452
Leslie, Colonel 288
Levi, Scott 36
Levitskii, Dmitrii 282, 440–1;see alsoLevytsky,
Levshin, Platon 413
Levytsky, Dmytro 110
liberalism 11
Lisbon 36

literacy 37, 140, 176, 215, 261, 276, 311, 403,
445, 450, 460
lack of 174, 245, 259, 421
literature 129–32, 135–6, 157, 178, 231, 278,
294, 349, 376–7, 436–40, 443–6,
449 – 50, 461;see alsoprinting/
Lithuania, Grand Duchy of 9, 11, 13, 17, 37,
45 – 6, 48, 58–9, 74–5, 79, 108,
111, 121–3, 143, 162, 169–70,
191, 197, 203, 211, 231, 238, 259,
311, 322, 331–2, 341, 346, 364,
404, 417, 424, 430;see alsoPolish-
Lithuanian Commonwealth
alliances with Russia 50
rulers of the 73, 148, 210
Russia in conflict with 12, 14, 34, 45, 51–2,
57, 146
Lithuanians 45, 96, 120–3,
130, 435
Little Ice Age, the 25–6, 32, 38, 200
Little Russian Collegium 111
liudi raznykh chinovseeraznochintsy
Lives(of saints) 252;see alsohagiography
living standards 368– 70
Livland 15, 116–20, 122, 288–9, 307, 311,
322, 359, 364, 403;see alsoBaltic
Livni 67, 182;see alsoBaltic region
Livonia 13–15, 50, 52, 84, 103, 116, 120, 143,
169, 190–2, 202, 303, 322, 339,
403, 417;see alsoBaltic region
Livonian Knights 45, 52, 74, 116, 121,
288, 384
Livonian War 10, 13–14, 27, 116, 153, 162,
191, 200, 223
localities 6, 173, 183;see alsocommunitiesand
government, local
autonomy ofseeautonomy, local
culture ofseeculture, local
Locke, John 433
Loggin (Old Believer Priest) 255
Logofet, Pakhomii
Life of St. Cyril of Beloozero 250
Lomonsov, Mikhail 274, 281–2, 377, 435,
437 – 8, 444, 446
London 15, 31, 36, 171, 189, 235, 297
Lopatin, Andrei 367
loyalty (to Russia) 62–3, 69, 72, 90, 92,
99 – 100, 110, 134, 151, 153,
231, 254, 370, 407, 411, 434,
442 – 3
Lublin 123
Luria, Solomon 123
Luther, Martin 411
Large Catechism 411
Lutsk 106
Lviv 74, 77, 106, 411, 421– 2

478 Index

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