The Russian Empire 1450–1801

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Macedonians 113
Machiavelli, Niccolò 2
Madariaga, Isabel de 316
Magdeburg 73
Magellan, Ferdinand 450
magic and witchcraft 260–1, 264, 309, 351,
410;see alsofolk belief
magistrates 378–80, 386, 387;see alsotowns
and cities
Magna Carta, the 219, 432
Maier, Charles 164
Main Administration for the Religious Affairs of
Foreign Confessions 407;see also
Russian Orthodoxy
Makarii (Metropolitan) 132–3, 149
Book of Degrees 132
The Illuminated Chronicle 132 – 4, 138, 209
Menology 133
Malanima, P. 30
Malikov, Yuriy 58, 66
Malorossiiskii College 107
Mangazeia 62, 64, 242
Manifesto of religious freedom to the Baltics
(1735) 403
Manila 33
manpower 9
manufacturing/industry 31, 33, 37, 187–8, 199,
202 – 4, 236, 318–21, 324–5, 327,
333 – 4, 361–3, 365, 370–1, 375–6,
378 – 80, 384, 386, 388, 432–4,
455, 460
Map Depot 338
maps/mapping 90, 178–9, 183, 185, 205, 237,
307, 310, 317, 337–9, 352–3, 377,
460 – 1
Great Draft(map of Boris Godunov) 179
Marasinova, Elena 443
University of 377
Mardzhani mosque (Kazan) 285
Marfino 388
Maria Borisovna of Tver’(wife of Ivan III) 149
Maria Theresa (Empress of Austria) 404
Marie Antoinette 278
Mariinskii canal system 342
Marker, Gary 279, 413, 438
markets 4, 66, 71, 190, 321–2, 324, 363, 369,
385 – 6, 391
Marrese, Michele 432
marriage 12, 29, 48, 51, 57, 65, 97, 148–9, 151,
153, 203, 208–10, 212, 220, 227,
229, 271, 279, 283, 351, 363–4,
366, 419, 432, 435
Marshall of the Nobility 308, 343
Martin, Alexander 387–8, 460
Martin, Lindsey viii, 386
Marx, Karl 5
Masons/Masonic lodges 431, 439, 444–5, 447

Massa, Isaac 179
Mathematical-Navigational School 337
Matveev, A. S. 212, 277, 440
“Maunder Minimum” 27
Maximilian I (Holy Roman Emperor) 12
Mazepa, Ivan 77–8, 99, 103, 107, 110–11,
146, 289
McGrew, Roderick 313
McGuckin, John Anthony 245
Mecca 400
Mecklenburg 16
news 278, 283, 349, 351, 436, 439
visual 129, 132–4, 140–1, 143, 157, 268,
271 – 3, 275, 290, 295, 418, 439–40;
see alsoartandimages
medicine 259–60, 264, 302, 347;see also
public health
Medina 400
Mediterranean region 23, 29, 41, 129
Mediterranean Sea 2–3, 32, 124, 324, 457
Medvedev, Sylvestr 253, 260, 267
Mehmed Amin (Kazan tsarevich) 51
Mehmed II 148
MennonitesseeProtestantism, Mennonites
Menshikov, Alexander 86, 277, 279– 80
Menshikov political faction 280
Menzelinsk 69, 90
mercantilism 5, 38, 113, 292, 306, 316, 318,
342, 380
merchants 10, 34–5, 42, 45–7, 50, 112, 124,
162, 176, 187, 189–91, 193,
196 – 9, 202, 204, 208, 235–6, 238,
240 – 3, 288, 319, 321–2, 325–7,
330, 333, 355, 363, 367, 375,
377 – 9, 381–3, 386, 388, 392–5,
418, 427, 432–3, 435, 454, 458;see
alsotowns and cities
Armenian 66, 99, 192–4, 197, 205, 323,
385, 459
Bukharan 34, 91, 95, 192, 194–5, 197–8,
240, 323, 355, 385
Dutch 52–3, 189, 191, 197–8, 202, 240
East Slavic 58, 65
English/British 52–3, 191, 198
French 58
German 50, 120, 402
Greek 66, 112, 192, 385
Indian 35, 99, 192–4, 197, 205, 323,
355, 459
Italian 345
Jewish 66, 114, 123– 4
kuptsy 380
Muslim 193
Novgorodian 162, 193
Persian 193, 197, 241, 323, 385
private 62

Index 479
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