The Russian Empire 1450–1801

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

“Moscow List”, the 214
Moscow Merchant Club 393
Moskovskie vedomosti388, 436
Moskva River 44, 142, 236
mosques 70, 95, 285, 292, 399–400, 456
destruction of 56, 397
Mount Athos 254
Mozdok 97, 336
Mozhaisk monastery 142, 202– 3
Msta River 342
Mstislav 121
Mstislavskies, Princes, the 149, 210– 11
muftis 92
Mughal empire, the 2–3, 5, 8, 35, 37,
40, 192
Muller, Gerhard Friedrich 377
Munro, George 345, 388
Murav’ev, M. N. 377
Murom 89
murzy 56
Muscovy 7, 9–12, 27, 35, 46, 48, 52–3, 57,
59 – 60, 62, 130–1, 135–9, 149,
155, 160, 164, 205–7, 220, 224,
232, 242–3, 248, 253, 281, 393,
430, 432, 436, 450, 457
campaigns of 56, 211, 213, 296
government of 56, 168–9, 171, 173, 177,
179, 185, 216
grand princes of 30, 249
policies/actions of 33, 67, 70, 178, 198
rulers of 55, 71, 142, 146, 156, 458
Muscovy Company, the 52, 188
Muslims 10, 35, 41, 45, 55–6, 60, 69, 71, 81,
89 – 90, 92, 96–7, 141, 192–3, 230,
233, 262, 292, 351, 397–401,
405 – 8, 450, 452, 459;see also
Russian Orthodoxy, conversion to
elite 115–16, 162, 397
opposition to/anti-Muslim sentiment
55 – 6, 70
Shiite 35, 37, 130, 397
Sufi37, 130, 408
Sunni 35, 37, 130, 397
Muslim Spiritual Assembly 92, 399– 401
myths 136, 220, 276, 435, 459
national 48, 444

Naimark, Norman viii
namestnichestva111, 308
Naples 31, 235
Napoleon 100
Napoleonic Wars 100, 116, 298, 317, 345
narod 100
Narva 13, 50, 52–3, 116, 143, 191, 322
Naryshkina, Natalia 151, 212
Naryshkins, the 151, 153, 253, 280– 1
nastavniki 420
Natalia Alekseevna (sister of Peter I) 436
nation-states 38

nationalism 80–1, 100, 110, 113, 118, 388,
414, 444, 450, 454, 457
nationality 41
native peoples 33, 55, 58, 60, 62–3, 65, 80–1,
88, 93–4, 99, 130, 163, 169,
230 – 3, 312, 362, 430, 450, 459
government/governance of 86, 92, 309, 330
treatment of 161, 402
Nattier, G. E. 440
navigation 59, 191, 272, 302, 337, 341
Neglinnaia River 44
Nerchinsk 85, 195–6, 242, 319, 363
Nerchinsk, Treaty of 36, 62, 196
Neronov, Ivan (Old Believer priest) 255, 257
Netherlands, the 26, 29–30, 50, 179, 188, 193,
197 – 8, 323, 337, 428;see also
Dutch Republic, theandHolland
people of/from 52–3, 189, 191, 202–4, 240
Neva River 274, 389– 90
New JulfaseeArmenians, New Julfa
New World, the 5
New Serbia 105, 113, 307
newspapers and broadsheets 37, 349–50, 388,
391, 436, 439
Nezhin 112, 165
Nicholas I (Emperor) 372, 403, 407, 420, 443,
460, 462
Nicholas II (Emperor) 284
Nicodemos the Hagiorite 414
Niemcewicz, Julian Ursyn
Return of the Deputy 444
Nikitin, Aleshka 242
Nikitin, Gavriil 242–3, 393
Nikitnikov, Afanasii 367
Nikolaev 342
Nikon (Patriarch) 131, 143–4, 248, 256–7,
261, 370, 406, 417–18, 422
Nomokanon 256
Psaltyr 256 – 7
“Nikon”Chronicle, the 132
Nizhegorod 361
Nizhnii Novgorod 28, 44, 165, 193–4, 197,
202, 236, 240–1, 359, 371, 399
nobility, Russian, the 63, 73, 75–8, 93, 100,
108, 110, 112, 117, 120, 137,
219 – 20, 267, 279, 281, 283, 296,
300, 306, 308–11, 314, 319, 326,
331, 334, 337, 345, 347, 365, 370,
372, 376, 379, 382, 386, 388, 393,
413, 415–16, 427–32, 434–6,
440 – 2, 444–8, 454;see alsoboyars
andelite, theandCharter of
Nobility (1785)
actions/activities of 285, 321, 325, 361, 369,
392, 427, 429, 433–4, 436, 440
cohesion ofseeelite, the, cohesion amongst
emancipation of 370, 372, 447
“golden age of” 427
hereditary 302–3, 429

482 Index

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