The Russian Empire 1450–1801

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

povity seeHetmanate, the, Left Bank
power 3, 5–6, 212, 220, 248–9, 270, 276,
278 – 80, 370, 458–9;see also
balance of 11, 16
imperial 9, 146, 161, 267
legitimization/portrayal of 38, 244, 271, 274,
276, 290, 293, 295;see also
local 6
maintaining 4, 6
vacuums 45– 6
Powis, Jonathan 220, 432
Poznan 123
Prague 31, 236
Praskovia Koval’eva,“The Pearl” 366
Premudryi, Epifanii
Life of St. Sergeii of Radonezh 250
Pressburg/Bratislava 31
printing/publication 10–11, 37, 73–4, 78–9,
111, 118, 174, 256, 354, 376, 401,
413 – 14, 436–9, 445–6, 450;
see alsomedia, literaryandtexts
Pritsak, Omeljan vii–viii
privileges 4, 81, 108, 110, 113, 115, 130, 137,
211, 220, 235, 238, 277, 312, 337,
360, 379, 384, 387, 421, 427–8,
434;see alsorights
deprivation of 105
economic 207–8, 427–8, 432
granting of 207
legal 79, 220
political 433
social 79, 355, 403, 429
trading 38, 72, 91, 108, 195, 198, 384, 434
Privy Chancery 216
Privy Geographical Department 338
progress 270, 296, 306, 397, 447
Prokopovich, Feofan 77, 270, 277, 280,
410 – 13, 422
The Right of the Monarch’s Will280, 412
Spiritual Regulation 412
Vladymyr 110
Pronsk 164
property 242, 250, 262, 347, 364, 366, 368,
371, 382, 434;see alsoland
ownership of 108, 213, 432
people as 109, 366;see alsoserfs
seizure of 75
Protestantism 10, 37, 74, 114, 197, 230, 247,
253, 256, 258, 260, 262, 288, 357,
379, 396, 402–4, 408, 410–15,
417, 421, 423;see alsoreligionand
toleration, religious
Anglicanism 412
Arianism 74
Calvinism and Dutch Reform 74, 120, 197,
204, 256, 288, 403
Huguenots 113

Lutheranism 10, 52, 74, 117, 120, 122, 204,
256, 288–9, 351, 396, 402–4,
406 – 8, 411, 430, 454, 456
Mennonites 114, 116, 357, 459
Moravian Brothers 114, 118, 403
Pietism 118, 269, 292, 403, 412– 13
protests 242, 307;see alsorevolts/resistance
Provisions Chancery 344
Prussia 15–17, 113, 116, 121, 172, 299, 333,
345, 370, 393, 403, 410, 412, 428
Prut River 297
Pskov 27, 28, 43, 50, 52, 121, 132, 142–3, 162,
164, 180, 182, 191, 197–9, 202,
222, 236, 240, 254, 323, 361
public, the 155, 175–6, 250, 270, 452, 459
opinion of 445, 449
public health 270, 346–7, 352, 384, 387
public sphere 445–7, 449, 459
Pugachev, Emelian 162, 230–1, 307, 362,
370 – 1, 417
Pugachev rebellion 88, 94–5, 100, 105, 162,
230, 307, 320, 336, 348, 352,
370 – 1
punishment 170–2, 183, 299, 335, 347–8,
351 – 2, 381
death penalty 86, 257, 351– 2
execution 56, 171–2, 254, 258,
351 – 2, 371
exemptions from 434
exile 170–1, 257–8, 351–2, 367,
372, 446
forced labor 86, 170, 351, 365
knouting 170, 172, 351, 366
prison 351
torture 170, 172, 258, 352, 371
Pushkin, Alexander 437–8, 446
The Captain’s Daughter 231
Pustozersk 171, 257
Putivl’67, 198
Qipchaq khanateseeGolden Horde, the
Quarenghi, Giacomo 284
Quitrent 360–1, 363, 379
racism 451
Radishchev, Alexander 86, 372, 376, 397,
445 – 6
Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow 446
Raeff, Marc 269, 277, 428, 446, 448
raids/raiding 13, 57–8, 66–8, 71–2, 88, 100,
193, 335
Rakuska, Roman
“Eye Witness Chronicle” 78
Randolph, John 180
Ransel, David 382, 393
raspravy 312
Rastrelli, Bartolomeo 288, 290– 1
Rastrelli, Francesco 121, 284
ratgauz 313

486 Index

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