The Russian Empire 1450–1801

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

rationalization/rationality 306, 314, 391,
412 – 14, 454, 456
ratmany309, 378
Razin, Stepan 72, 99, 162, 167, 172, 230–1,
242, 370
rebellion of 99
raznochintsy 304 – 5, 358, 367, 375–7, 379,
383, 388, 392, 395, 416, 427, 432,
435, 439
razriadnye knigi 173
Red Sea, the 187
Reformation, the 10, 37, 46, 118, 258, 261, 450
reforms 17, 212, 289, 296, 306, 312, 329, 338,
365, 378, 406, 416, 460
of Catherine II 94, 99, 111, 113, 115,
119 – 21, 125, 296, 298, 306–12,
314, 348, 360, 363, 380–3, 387,
390 – 1, 394, 403, 407, 419, 429,
433 – 4, 459– 60
of Paul I 312–13, 378, 403
of Peter I 11, 65, 215, 273, 275, 281–2,
296 – 7, 300–5, 317, 348, 411, 413,
425, 447, 459
religion 10–11, 37, 48, 58, 71, 79, 106, 111,
125, 131, 139–43, 158, 230,
244 – 5, 254, 258–9, 262–4, 292,
309, 349, 351, 372, 384, 396–401,
403 – 12, 414–15, 417–27, 433,
438 – 40, 450, 459;see also
and dissent/disputes about 37, 230, 254,
257 – 8, 405, 408, 410, 417,
419 – 20, 423, 425– 6
diversity of 4, 10, 35–6, 41, 55, 232, 244,
262 – 3, 309, 396, 405, 412;see also
freedom of 114–15, 262, 397, 403, 417, 419,
425;see alsotoleration, religious
and ideology 1, 131
and legitimacy 3, 130, 142
policies concerning 91, 262, 396, 400–1,
403, 406– 8
practice of 94, 134–5, 245, 249, 252–6,
258 – 60, 407, 414, 417–21, 423– 5
reform of 37, 255–7, 349, 351, 355, 406,
410 – 11, 414, 417–18, 425
Remezov, Semen 179
Renaissance, the 46, 253, 288
Republic of Letters 428;see also
Enlightenment, the
republics 43, 46
resources 5, 53, 56, 59, 109, 165–6, 177, 183,
188, 229, 248, 415, 432, 450, 459;
see alsogoods
control of 10
human 1, 4, 173, 177, 188, 220, 336
lack of 161, 171, 379, 416
material 1, 3–4, 41, 55, 57, 177, 187–9, 203,
220, 325, 336, 362, 458

forest products 47, 51, 187– 8
furs 3, 47, 50–1, 53, 55, 58, 60, 62, 85,
163, 166, 187, 188–9, 191, 194,
201, 330, 460
grain 23–4, 27, 59–60, 73, 166, 189, 225,
318, 320, 322, 324, 327, 332, 341,
343 – 5, 353, 362, 366, 368–9, 383,
393 – 4
mobilization of 9–11, 155, 163–4, 459
Reval/Tallinn 50, 52, 73, 84, 116–17, 119, 191,
288, 295, 297, 322, 384
Cathedral of Alexander Nevskii 456
Cathedral of the Dome 288, 456
Cathedral of the Holy Spirit 288
Cathedral of St. Nicholas 288
Cathedral of St. Olai 288
Ekaterinthal Palace 289
revolts/resistance 56, 63, 68–70, 84, 91, 105,
111, 139, 167, 230–1, 234, 241–2,
307, 335, 346, 367, 369–72, 387,
418;see alsoprotests
BashkirseeBashkir uprisings
Cossacksee underCossacks
KazakhseeKazakh rebellion
peasant 105, 307, 369–70, 374
suppression of 56, 70, 91, 99, 105–6, 161–2,
172, 371, 457;see alsosuppression
of opposition
PugachevseePugachev rebellion
Reyfman, Irina 437
Riazan 24, 44–5, 49–50, 67, 181, 238, 323,
356 – 7, 361, 397, 444
Richards, John F. 33, 35
Rieber, Alfred 2, 4, 34, 369
Riga 25, 50, 52, 73, 84, 116–17, 120, 182, 288,
295, 324, 357, 369, 384, 407
Cathedral of the Nativity 456
Church of the Dome 288
Church of Sts. Peter and Paul 289
City Hall 289
St. Jacob’s Church 288
St. John’s Church 288
St. Peter’s Church 288
Riga, Gulf of 121, 191
Riga, River 384
Right Bank Hetmanatesee underHetmanate, the
rights 115, 148, 160, 208, 219–20, 277, 293,
379, 433, 446;see alsoprivileges
Cossack 105, 110
cultural 60
to distill and sell alcohol 60, 68, 108, 201,
216, 325, 385, 394, 433
economic 109–10, 375
to own land 68, 75, 77, 100, 208, 360, 382,
432, 434
to own serfs 360, 432– 3
to avoid taxesseetaxes, exemptions from
rituals/ceremonies 70, 94, 141, 151, 153–4,
157, 275

Index 487
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