The Russian Empire 1450–1801

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

rituals/ceremonies (cont.)
coronation 130–1, 135, 149, 152, 280
legitimizing 129–30, 136, 153
religious 130, 133, 140–1, 254, 257, 259,
271, 424
Riurikovich 42
Roberts, Richard viii
Rodrigue, Aron viii
Romanchuk, Robert 251
Romaniello, Matthew 33, 187, 189, 198
Romanians 114, 430
Romanov 211
Romanov, Fedor Nikitich 255
Romanov, Mikhail Nikitich 145, 153
Romanovs, the 10, 14, 141, 149, 151–2, 169,
203 – 4, 210–11, 280–1, 283
Romanticism 437
Rome 411
Rome (ancient) 5, 141, 169, 271, 276, 290
empire of 3, 32, 98, 129, 172, 179
Roosevelt, Priscilla 447
Rossabi, Morris 36, 187
“Rossiia” 11
Rostock 118
Rostov 42–3, 49–50, 132, 143, 249, 411
Rostov, Lake 349
Rostovskiis, Princes, the 211
Rostovskij, DmitrijseeTuptalo Rostovskij,
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 433
Rowland, Daniel viii, 155
Rozumovsky, Kyrylo 111, 290
Rtishchev, F. M. 256
Rublev, Andrei 250
rulers 148, 155, 160, 175, 208, 237, 249, 260,
267, 274, 280–1, 293, 312, 316,
425, 443, 450, 455, 458;see also
autocracyandideology, of rulership
actions/activities of 55, 139, 142, 161, 169,
172, 183, 200, 270–1, 276– 7
control exerted bysee alsocontrol
imaginings of 7, 130, 136, 138–9, 154–5,
244, 267–9, 277–9, 284, 457
legitimacy ofseelegitimacy
limits to the power of 169
and the people 154– 5
portrayal/self-representation of 129–30, 140,
269, 273–6, 281–3, 290, 292–3;
see alsoimages/imageryand
power of 3–4, 267, 271, 278;see alsopower
strategies of 11, 270;see alsogovernance,
strategies of
and their subjects 208–10, 232, 253, 270, 277,
279, 282, 370, 429, 440, 451, 461
task of 1, 4
Rumiantsev, Petr 111–12, 341
Rus (grand principality of ) 3, 14;see also
Ruthenian lands

Rus’, the 41–3, 48, 53, 66, 73, 79,
110, 126, 134, 177, 421see also
Russian Orthodoxy 10, 41, 45, 53, 55–6, 81,
169, 201, 207, 222–3, 227–8, 230,
239, 244, 247–58, 267–9, 275,
285, 292, 329, 349, 351, 362, 382,
388 – 9, 396–401, 406–8, 410–16,
423 – 5, 434–5, 439, 445, 447;
see alsoChurch Councils, Russian
Orthodoxandfolk beliefandHoly
Synod, theandlandholdersand
monasteriesandlandholders, the
church/monasteries asandlaw,
Monastic Chanceryandmonks and
nunsandOld Beliefandreligion
andtoleration, religiousand
Ukrainian Orthodox Churchand
“Zealots of Piety”
as code of political legitimacy 3–4, 129–41,
154 – 6
conversion to 24, 56, 70, 96–7, 244, 262–3,
397 – 402, 408, 424, 430, 451
Enlightened Orthodoxy 11, 396–8, 413–14,
427 – 8, 435, 443, 447
independence ofseeautocephaly
interior decorative scheme of churches of
133, 246
metropolitans of 44, 130, 132–3, 208,
244, 247, 249–50, 252, 255–6,
411, 413
Russians 42, 49, 59–60, 67, 96–7, 105,
111 – 12, 116, 165, 189, 193, 204,
225, 244, 253, 330, 335, 424, 433,
440, 444, 451, 454, 461
Ruthenian lands 41–2, 364
Ruthenians 68, 73, 75, 77, 110, 112
Ruts’kyi, Iosif 422
Safa-Girey dynasty 51
Safavid empire, the 2–3, 5, 16, 35, 178,
192 – 4, 397
Sahaidachny, Petro 75
Sahin 115
Sain BulatseeBekbulatovich, Semeon
St. Aleksii 133
St. Basil 252
St. Boris 136
St. Catherine 279
St. Cyril-Beloozero monastery 202, 248,
251, 259
St. Elijah 259
St. Fevroniia 252
St. Filipp 133
St. Gleb 136
St. Iona 133
St. Iuliana of Murom 252
St. John of Chrysostom 252

488 Index

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