Atlas of Hispanic-American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
the convictions and dismissed all charges
for lack of evidence.
Despite the dismissal, the high-pro-
file coverage of the trial had served to
inflame anti-Mexican sentiment. Re-
gardless of the trial’s outcome, many
Anglos viewed the episode as confirma-
tion of racist stereotypes—that zoot suit-
ers were by nature criminals. Coming in a
time of war when many young Americans
were enlisted in the military, the Sleepy
Lagoon case called attention to the per-
ceived character of those on trial and
ignited some to strike out against them.
As a result, the zoot suiters of Los
Angeles suffered more injustices both
during and after the trial. Minor skir-
mishes between Anglo servicemen on
furlough and pachucos in zoot suits began
increasing in number. Then in June 1943
the tension boiled over. Claiming that
some sailors had been attacked by pachu-
cos, hundreds of sailors and soldiers
roamed Los Angeles, grabbing, beating,
and tearing the zoot suit off of every zoot
suiter they could find. For several nights

the riots continued, aimed at any and all
Mexican-American youths, whether they
were wearing zoot suits or not. The
police not only failed to protect the
Hispanic victims, they arrested them as if
they were responsible. The newspapers,
too, blamed the victims, sensationalizing
any incident of retaliation by pachucos
while lionizing the servicemen for teach-
ing them a lesson.
The riots spread to other cities in
California and sparked similar attacks that
summer on Mexican Americans in
Chicago, Detroit, and Philadelphia. By
mid-June the Los Angeles Zoot Suit Riots
were over, stopped by military police and
the cancellation of overnight passes and
leaves. The incident led to earnest official
explorations of the possible causes of the
riots and short-lived attempts to improve
relations between Anglos and Mexican
Americans. For Hispanic Americans,
Sleepy Lagoon and the Zoot Suit Riots
became spurs to fight harder against bru-
tality and prejudice and towards full
equality with Anglo-Americans.


Zoot Suit Riots, 1943

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