Atlas of Hispanic-American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

who came to national attention as secretary
of energy in the Clinton administration’s
second term and then went on to become
governor of New Mexico and run for the
Democratic nomination for president in

  1. The first Hispanic mayor of a major
    American city was Henry Cisneros, who
    held that office in San Antonio, Texas
    (1982–1990), before going on to serve in
    the Clinton cabinet. President George W.

Bush also chose several Hispanics for his
cabinet, including Mel Martinez as secre-
tary of Housing and Urban Development
and Alberto Gonzales, first as White
House counsel, and later, as Attorney
General. The Republican Martinez later
left the Bush Administration to represent
Florida in the Senate, joining Democrats
Ken Salazar of Colorado and Robert
Menendez of New Jersey.


1928–1929 Octaviano Larrazolo
1935–1962 Dennis Chávez
1964–1977 Joseph Manuel Montoya
2005– Ken Salazar
Mel Martínez
2006 Robert Menendez

House of Representatives
1822–1823 Joseph Marion Hernández
1853–1857 José Manuel Gallegos
1856–1861 Miguel Antonio Otero
1863–1865 Francisco Perea
1865–1867 José Francisco Chaves
1871–1873 José Manuel Gallegos
1877–1878 Romualdo Pacheco
1877–1879 Trinidad Romero
1879–1881 Mariano Sabino Otero
1879–1883 Romualdo Pacheco
1881–1884 Tranquilino Luna
1884–1885 Francisco Antonio Manzanares
1899–1901 Pedro Perea
1901–1905 Federico Degetau
1905–1911 Tulio Larrinaga
1911–1916 Luis Muñoz Rivera
1913–1927 Ladislas Lazaro
1915–1917 Benigno Cárdenas Hernández
1917–1932 Félix Córdova Dávila
1919–1921 Benigno Cárdenas Hernández
1921–1923 Néstor Montoya
1931–1935 Dennis Chávez
1931–1941 Joachim Octave Fernández
1932–1933 José Lorenzo Pesquera
1932–1939 Santiago Iglesias
1939–1945 Bolívar Pagán
1943–1956 Antonio Manuel Fernández
1945–1946 Jesús T. Piñero
1946–1965 Antonio Fernós-Isern
1957–1964 Joseph Manuel Montoya
1961–1998 Henry B. González
1963–1993 Edward R. Roybal
1965–1969 Santiago Polanco-Abreu
1965–1997 Eligio “Kika” de la Garza II
1969–1973 Jorge Luis Córdova Díaz
1969–1989 Manuel Luján Jr.
1971–1977 Herman Badillo

1973–1977 Jaime Benítez
1973–1979 Ron de Lugo
1977–1985 Baltasar Corrada del Río
1978–1990 Robert Garcia
1979–1989 Anthony Lee Coelho
1981–1995 Ron de Lugo
1982–2001 Matthew G. Martínez
1983–1997 William B. Richardson
1983–2001 Solomon P. Ortiz
1983–1999 Esteban Torres
1985–1992 Jaime B. Fuster
1985–1993 Ben Blaz Garrido
Albert G. Bustamante
1989– Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
1991– Ed López Pastor
1992–1993 Antonio J. Colorado
1993–1997 Frank M. Tejeda
1993–2001 Carlos Antonio Romero-Barceló
1993–2004 Robert A. Underwood
1993–2006 Robert Menéndez
1993–2007 Henry Bonilla
1993– Xavier Becerra
Lincoln Díaz-Balart
Luis Gutiérrez
Lucille Roybal-Allard
Nydia M. Velázquez
1996– Silvestre Reyes
1997–2004, 2007 Ciro D. Rodriguez
1997– Rubén Hinojosa
Loretta Sanchez
1999– Joe Baca
Charles A. Gonzalez
Grace Napolitano
2001–2004 Aníbal Acevedo-Vilá
2003– Dennis Cardoza
Mario Diaz-Balart
Raúl Grijalva
Devin Nunes
Linda Sanchez
2005– Henry Cuellar
Luis Fortuño
John Salazar
2006– Albio Sires

The Hispanic Americans who have served in Congress from 1822 to the present are as follows (in chronological order by dates of office):
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