Fundamentals of Reference

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


definition of reference

Before launching an evaluation it is necessary to know exactly what is being
evaluated! In 2008 the RUSA board of directors approved definitions of ref-
erence transactions and reference work. Reference transactions were defined
as “information consultations in which library staff recommend, interpret,
evaluate, and/or use information resources to help others meet particular
information needs.”
Reference work was described as “reference transactions and other activi-
ties that involve the creation, management, and assessment of information or
research resources, tools, and services.”

Planning reference assessment

This section offers advice and a series of questions to consider before beginning
an evaluation. Among them are
• What questions are you trying to answer?
• What performance or quality standards will you use to measure
your success?
• How are you going to use the data generated?
• What measurements will you need to generate the data that you

measuring and assessing reference
transactions and services

Here the focus is on the quantitative and qualitative assessment of reference
services as well as reference transactions. Links to selected measurement tools
and bibliographic references are provided. Topics covered include the analysis
of reference transactions, cost-benefit analysis, and quality analysis, specifi-
cally, patron needs and satisfaction.
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