Fundamentals of Reference

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


other dictionaries

Finally, here are some examples of Katz’s “other” category of dictionaries. A
visual dictionary, as defined by Joan M. Reitz, is

a dictionary in which words and phrases (grouped by subject,
theme, or activity) are illustrated, usually in a line drawing on the
same or opposite page, with each term keyed to the corresponding
feature in the diagram by a thin line or small reference number
printed on the illustration.^2

Two recent and well-received visual dictionaries are Merriam-Webster’s Visual
Dictionary and the Ultimate Visual Dictionary. Unlike a typical visual dictio-
nary, Merriam-Webster’s includes dictionary definitions. The Ultimate Visual
Dictionary uses some 6,000 color photographs and illustrations.
Dictionaries of slang go where standard dictionaries may fear to tread:
they include vulgar or socially unacceptable terms and colloquial words and
define them in detail. The New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional
English (9th edition, 2 vols.) defines thousands of terms. It is a descendant of
Eric Partridge’s 1937 work, The Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English.
Some of the most frequently asked reference questions involve acronyms
and abbreviations. The Acronyms, Initialisms and Abbreviations Dictionary (44th
edition, 4 vols.) is a standard reference tool that defines a wide variety of
abbreviated forms found in a variety of fields. A companion title is the Reverse
Acronyms, Initialisms and Abbreviations Dictionary (44th edition, 2 vols.), in
which the actual term or organization
is listed first, then the abbreviation or
acronym. Acronym Finder (www.acronym is a free web tool that is also
useful for this type of query.
Although the origins of words
and phrases may certainly be found in
unabridged or historical dictionaries, a
more focused source is often easier to use.
The Facts on File Encyclopedia of Word and
Phrase Origins is actually an etymological
dictionary offering thousands of entries.

For more information about
dictionaries, consult Kister’s Best
Dictionaries for Adults and Young
People: A Comparative Guide (Oryx,
1992). Although the reviews of
individual titles are now dated,
the discussions about types of
dictionaries, how they are compiled,
and the field of lexicography are
useful and informative.
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