Fundamentals of Reference

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Almanacs, Handbooks, and Yearbooks 25

almanac published in the United States you’ll find the phases of the
moon, regional weather forecasts, recipes, gardening advice, and
much more. U.S. and Canadian editions are available.


Handbooks are another essential component of any reference collection. They
can provide an introduction to a subject, demystify terminology, or supply a
chronology of facts or an array of statistics.

Famous First Facts: A Record of First Happenings, Discoveries, and Inven-
tions in American History (6th edition). A classic reference work,
Joseph Nathan Kane’s unique creation offers more than 7,000 fac-
tual entries arranged under sixteen broad categories, with addi-
tional points of access through several indexes that make up half of
the text. An electronic version is also available.
Notable Last Facts: A Compendium of Endings, Conclusions, Terminations
and Final Events through History. A counterpart to Famous First Facts
that supplies some 16,000 noteworthy ultimate facts organized by
subject and augmented by an extensive table of contents and com-
prehensive index.
A Handbook to Literature (10th edition). A
standard source of literary terminology
and themes that also includes summaries
of British and American literary history
and appendixes listing Nobel (literature)
and Pulitzer Prize (fiction, drama and
poetry) winners.
Handbook of Denominations in the United
States (13th edition). Covers the major
religious traditions of Judaism, Christi-
anity, and Islam practiced in the United
States with brief histories, summaries of doctrine, and statistics.
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics: A Ready-Reference Book of
Chemical and Physical Data. A standard reference work that provides
an array of physical and chemical data. Among the new tables in

Baseball Almanac (www,
“where what happened
yesterday is being preserved
today,” is a privately held
website with thousands of
pages of baseball history,
fast facts, and original
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