An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

648 ★ CHAPTER 16 America’s Gilded Age

  1. How did social reformers such as Edward Bellamy, Henry George, and advocates of the
    social gospel conceive of liberty and freedom differently than the proponents of the liberty of
    contract ideal and laissez faire?

  2. In what ways did the West provide a “safety valve” for the problems in the industrial
    East? In what ways did it reveal some of the same problems?

trusts (p. 608)
vertical integration (p. 609)
horizontal expansion (p. 610)
robber barons (p. 611)
bonanza farms (p. 616)
Battle of the Little Bighorn (p. 624)
Dawes Act (p. 625)
Ghost Dance (p. 627)
Wounded Knee massacre (p. 627)
the Gilded Age (p. 629)
gold standard (p. 632)

Civil Service Act of 1883 (p. 632)
Interstate Commerce Commission
(p. 633)
Sherman Antitrust Act (p. 633)
Social Darwinism (p. 636)
liberty of contract (p. 638)
Great Railroad Strike (p. 639)
Knights of Labor (p. 640)
single tax (p. 642)
Social Gospel (p. 644)
Haymarket Affair (p. 645)


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