An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
814 ★ CHAPTER 20 From Business Culture to Great Depression

Hoover administration in 1931 opposed
efforts to save money by reducing the
size of the army, warning that this
would “lessen our means of maintain-
ing domestic peace and order.”

Hoover’s Response
In the eyes of many Americans, President
Hoover’s response to the Depression
seemed inadequate and uncaring. Lead-
ing advisers, including Andrew Mellon,
the wealthy secretary of the treasury, told
Hoover that economic downturns were a
normal part of capitalism, which weeded
out unproductive firms and encouraged
moral virtue among the less fortunate.
Businessmen strongly opposed fed-
eral aid to the unemployed, and many
publications called for individual “ belt-
tightening” as the road to recovery. Some
initially saw a silver lining in the Depres-
sion. Wages had fallen so sharply, reported Fortune magazine, that “you can have
your garden taken care of in Los Angeles for $1 a week” or hire an “affable Negro to
fry your chicken and do your washing for $8 a month in Virginia.”
The federal government had never faced an economic crisis as severe as
the Great Depression. Few political leaders understood how important consumer
spending had become in the American economy. Most held to the conventional
view that government intervention to aid those who had lost their jobs would do
little to spur economic recovery and would encourage Americans to rely on gov-
ernment charity to address misfortune. In 1931, Hoover quoted former president
Grover Cleveland from four decades earlier: “The Government should not support
the people.... Federal aid... weakens the sturdiness of our national character.”
Strongly opposed on principle to direct federal intervention in the econ-
omy, Hoover remained committed to “associational action.” He put his faith
in voluntary steps by business to maintain investment and employment—
something few found it possible to do— and efforts by local charity organiza-
tions to assist needy neighbors. He called numerous conferences of business
and labor leaders and established commissions to encourage firms to cooper-
ate in maintaining prices and wages without governmental dictation. Hoover
attempted to restore public confidence, making frequent public statements
that “the tide had turned.” But these made him increasingly seem out of touch

Communist Party headquarters in New York City,

  1. The banners illustrate the variety of activi-
    ties the party organized in the early 1930s.

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