An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Sacco- Vanzetti case (p. 780)
Equal Rights Amendment (p. 787)
flappers (p. 788)
Adkins v. Children’s Hospital (p. 791)
Teapot Dome (p. 791)
McNary- Haugen bill (p. 794)
American Civil Liberties Union
(p. 797)
Schenck v. United States (p. 798)
fundamentalism (p. 800)

Scopes trial (p. 801)
illegal alien (p. 805)
New Negro (p. 809)
Harlem Renaissance (p. 809)
Great Depression (p. 811)
stock market crash (p. 811)
Smoot- Hawley Tariff (p. 815)
Reconstruction Finance
Corporation (p. 815)


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