An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

860 ★ CHAPTER 21 The New Deal

New Deal (p. 821)
Emergency Banking Act (p. 824)
Hundred Days (p. 824)
National Industrial Recovery Act
(p. 824)
National Recovery Administration
(p. 824)
Civilian Conservation Corps (p. 825)
Public Works Administration (p. 826)
Tennessee Valley Authority (p. 826)
Agricultural Adjustment Act (p. 826)
Dust Bowl (p. 827)
Federal Housing Administration
(p. 829)
Congress of Industrial Organizations
(p. 831)

sit-down strike (p. 832)
Share Our Wealth movement
(p. 834)
Works Progress Administration
(p. 836)
Wagner Act (p. 837)
Social Security Act (p. 837)
welfare state (p. 837)
Court packing (p. 841)
Indian New Deal (p. 848)
Popular Front (p. 853)
Scottsboro case (p. 855)
House Un-American Activities
Committee (p. 856)


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