An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

602 ★ CHAPTER 15 “What Is Freedom?”: Reconstruction


the Freedmen’s Bureau (p. 571)
sharecropping (p. 574)
crop lien (p. 574)
Black Codes (p. 580)
Civil Rights Bill of 1866 (p. 582)
Fourteenth Amendment (p. 583)
Reconstruction Act (p. 584)
Tenure of Office Act (p. 584)
impeachment (p. 584)

Fifteenth Amendment (p. 585)
carpetbaggers (p. 592)
scalawags (p. 593)
Ku Klux Klan (p. 595)
Enforcement Acts (p. 596)
Civil Rights Act of 1875 (p. 598)
Redeemers (p. 598)
Bargain of 1877 (p. 600)

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