An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-103

freedom in, 634–39
labor in, 639–47
liberty of contract in, 636–37
political parties in, 631
politics in, 629–34
Social Darwinism, 635–36
social reform in, 643–44
state governments in, 624
Gilded Age, The (Twain and Warner), 630
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins (1860–1935),
700, 710, 712, 747
Gingrich, Newt (1943–), 1077
Ginsberg, Allen (1926–1997), 967–68
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader (1933–), 1076
Gitlow, Benjamin (1891–1965), 798
Glacier Point, Calif., 727
Gladden, Washington (1836–1918), 644
Glasgow, 768
glasnost, 1067
Glass-Steagall Act (1932), 824, 1085
Gleason, Jackie (1916–1987), 947
globalization, 1072, 1074, 1080–86, 1088,
1089, 1091, 1133, 1137, 1153
global warming, 981, 1111, 1112 , 1146
GNP, see gross national product
Goddess of Democracy and Freedom, 1071
Godkin, E. L. (1831–1902), 597, 687
gold, 1044
corporate mining of, 618
Goldbergs, The (TV show), 947
Gold Coast, 917, 963
Golden Anniversary of the Festival of
Lights, 811
“golden door,” 803
Goldman, Emma (1869–1940), 713, 714,
753, 771
Goldman Sachs, 1133
gold rush, California, 614
gold standard, 632, 657, 811, 824, 901, 1044
Gold Standard Act (1900), 659
Goldwater, Barry (1909–1998), 994–95,
1010, 1030–31, 1058, 1078
Gompers, Samuel (1850–1924), 676, 704,
706, 707, 747
Gonzáles, Rodolfo Corky, 1019
Goodman, Andrew (1949–1964), 993
Good Neighbor Policy, 864, 887
Gorbachev, Mikhail (1931–), 1067–68,
1068 , 1071
Gore, Albert (1907–1998), 977
Gore, Albert, Jr. (1948–), 1103–4
debates with Bush, 1105
Goshorn, Shan, 1099

General Slocum, 692
General Theory of Employment, Interest,
and Money (Keynes), 844
summit conference in, 962
Vietnam peace conference in, 964
Geneva Accords (1954), 964, 1006
Geneva Conventions, First, 1119, 1127
Gentlemen’s Agreement (1907), 761
George, Henry (1839–1897), 641, 642, 646,
646 , 703, 715, 717
Georgia, 576, 660, 856, 1048, 1126
Confederate flag and, 977
textiles in, 660
German-Americans, 615, 669, 706, 806
Prohibition and, 752
World War I and, 743, 759, 1119
World War II and, 866, 890
Germany, 749 , 772, 773 , 774, 775, 795,
871–73, 898, 902, 919, 1043, 1047,
1134, 1151, 1152
aggression by, 866
D-Day and, 871
declaration of war against U.S. of, 869
division of, 910, 912
empire of, 735
in Great Depression, 811
industry in, 605
invasion of Soviet Union by, 868, 908
Iraq War and, 1116
occupation of, 912–13
post-Cold War, 1072
progressivism in, 715
rise of Hitler in, 822, 865
socialism in, 706
Soviet Union invasion of, 898
submarine war and, 869, 871
Venezuela crisis and, 739
in World War I, 742
in World War II, 890, 898, 900, 901
see also East Germany; West Germany
Geronimo (1829–1909), 624
Gettysburg Address, The, 854, 905
Ghana, 963, 1094
Ghost Dance, 627
GI Bill of Rights (1944), 882–83, 890, 894,
922, 954
Gilded Age, 603–48, 703, 704, 706, 715,
corruption of politics in, 629–30
courts in, 638–39
economy in, 632
elections in, 631

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