An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-116 ★ INDEX

Mormons, 615, 722
Deseret and, 620
in Great Salt Lake Valley, 620
and James Buchanan, 620
Mitt Romney and, 1149
Mountain Meadows Massacre and, 620
polygamy and, 620
prejudice against, 1125
in Utah, 620
see also Christianity
Morrill Land-Grant Act, 614
Morse, Wayne (1900–1974), 1006
Moscow, 916, 920, 962, 963, 1041, 1051,
1068 , 1072
Nixon and Khrushchev in, 941, 942 , 1015
Moses, Robert (1888–1981), 985
Mossadegh, Mohammed (1882–1967), 963,
motion pictures, 608, 736, 781, 783, 785,
788, 796, 800, 806, 851 , 852, 853,
878, 885, 940, 1094
family life in, 949
in World War I, 748
see also Hollywood
Mott, Lucretia (1793–1880), 589
Mountain Meadows Massacre, 620
Mozambique, 963
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (movie), 853
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (movie),
Mubarak, Hosni (1928–), uprising against,
Muck, Karl, 759
muckrakers, 695–96
Muir, John (1838–1914), 726–27
Muller v. Oregon, 723, 791
multiculturalism, 1098–99
see also diversity; pluralism
Muncie, Ind., 790
Munich conference, 866
Munn v. Illinois, 638
Murphy, Frank (1890–1949), 832, 856
Museum of Modern Art, 919
music, 853
Muslim Brotherhood, 1146
Muslims, 963, 1051, 1066, 1086, 1087,
1106, 1136
in Afghanistan, 1051, 1112
Black, 1001
in Bosnia, 1058
fundamentalism and, 1051, 1074
Gulf War and, 1074
Malcolm X and, 1001

Miranda v. Arizona, 1023
misery index, 1045, 1045
Miss America pageant, protest at, 1016
missiles, 1065, 1068
and Cold War “missile gap,” 979
cruise, 1074
and Cuba, 990–91
Jupiter, 990
see also nuclear weapons
missionaries, 760
in Hawaii, 686
Mississippi, 851, 921, 935, 1001
black voting in, 924
BP oil spill and, 1137
“freedom schools” in, 975
Gulf Coast of, 1122
voter registration drive in, 993
Mississippi, University of, 986, 991
Mississippi Delta, segregation in, 851
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
(MFDP), 993
Mississippi River, 1121
Missouri, University of, segregation at,
Mitchell, John N. (1913–1988), 1042
Mitchell, John P. (1870–1919), 639, 711
Mobile, Ala., 978
Model A, 782
Model T, 702, 782
modernism, 800–801
Modern Republicanism, 959–60
Modern Woman: The Lost Sex, 950
Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, 965
Mondale, Walter (1928–), 1064, 1064
monopolies, 611, 645
Federal Trade Commission and, 732
“natural,” 716
Theodore Roosevelt and, 725
see also trusts, business
Monroe Doctrine, 678, 737, 739
Montagu, Ashley (1905–1999), 885
Montana, 785, 1101
socialism in, 706
Montana territory, 614
Montezuma, Carlos, 714–15
Montgomery, Ala., 974, 975 , 996, 996
bus boycott in, 969, 970, 974–75, 976
Montgomery Ward, 607, 876
Moody, Dwight, 679
moon landing, 989
Moral Majority, 1053–54
Morgan, J. P. (1837–1913), 609, 694–95,
707, 725, 732, 790

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