An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-123

progressivism, 692–93, 816, 1020, 1062
ACLU and, 797
and African-Americans, 763–65
Alfred Landon and, 841
civil liberties and, 754–55
consumerism and, 699
disintegration of, 789–91
FDR and, 823
Harding and, 777, 791
Herbert Hoover and, 810
immigration and, 694, 695 , 696, 757,
758, 760, 805
as international movement, 715
Native Americans and, 714–15
politics in, 715–24
presidents in, 724–32
Prohibition and, 751–52
race and, 755
Simon Patten and, 703
socialism and, 705–7
varieties of, 703–4
women’s rights in, 712
World War I and, 746–52, 771, 777
Prohibition, 643, 751–52, 751 , 781, 783,
791, 800–801, 806, 810, 822, 829, 852
see also temperance
propaganda, in World War I, 748
Proposition 13 (California), 1056
Proposition 14 (California), 994
Proposition 187 (California), 1099
Prostrate State, The (Pike), 597
Protestant-Catholic-Jew (Herberg), 954
Protestants, 644, 727, 759, 802, 806, 841,
930, 953, 979, 1053, 1055
and Al Smith, 810–11
evangelical, 1053, 1055
fundamentalist, 799–801
modernism and, 800–801
Prohibition and, 752
social reform and, 643–44
see also Christianity; specific
Providence, R.I., 698
public housing, 951
public opinion, opinion polls, 1036, 1054,
1103, 1105, 1117, 1127, 1128, 1130,
public relations and, 790, 877, 894,
Public Opinion (Lippmann), 790
public relations, 748, 758, 787
and public opinion, 790, 877, 894, 895
see also Bernays, Edward
Public Utilities Act, California, 717

Presbyterians, 799, 1053
Presidential Medal of Freedom, 893
Presidential Reconstruction, 579–80
presidents, presidency, U.S.:
expansion of powers of, 824–25, 829,
as “Free World” leader, 910
veto power of, 582, 923, 933
see also specific presidents
President’s Daughter, The (Britton), 791
Presley, Elvis (1935–1977), 967
press, 571, 790, 876, 878, 894, 907, 926,
1022, 1069, 1083, 1119
African-American, 847, 894, 898, 907,
in election of 1936, 841
and FDR, 841
in Great Depression, 814
Iraq War and, 1114
Knights of Labor and, 647
Philippine War and, 684
during Reconstruction, 597
Sedition Act and, 753
as sexist, 1014
on tolerance, 807
Underground, 1013
in World War I, 748
as “yellow press,” 680, 681, 682
see also freedom, of the press
“Price of Free World Victory, The” (Wallace),
primaries, direct, 717
Prince Edwards County, Va., desegregation
in, 977
prisoners of war, treatment of, 1119
prison industrial complex, 1096
prisons, 1095–97
African-Americans in, 1096
labor from, 660
population of, 1096
U.S. population in, 1152
privacy, right to, 797, 807, 1023–24
profits, see corporations, and profits
Progress and Poverty (George), 641–42
Progressive era, 691–733
West in, 716–18
women in, 751–52
Progressive Movement, The (DeWitt), 693
Progressive Optimism, 794
Progressive Party, 729, 794, 794 , 837,
African-Americans barred from conven-
tion by, 762
social agenda of, 730–31

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