An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-124 ★ INDEX

railroads, 574–75, 606–7, 608, 615, 630,
699, 702, 705, 706, 716–17, 730, 731,
agriculture and, 616, 652
Great Depression and, 815
Indians and, 625–27
labor and, 656
land granted to, 605, 614, 615
lobbyists of, 630
network of, 607
Populists and, 653
prison labor and, 660
protests against, 633–34
rate discrimination and, 638
rates regulated, 726
in Reconstruction, 593
segregation and, 664–65
Socialist party and, 729
strikes, 639, 640 , 644–45, 791, 923
transcontinental, 600, 607, 621
trusts, 608, 725
westward expansion and, 617, 625–26
Rainey, Joseph H., 591
Raleigh, N.C., 985
Randolph, A. Philip (1889–1979), 894, 988,
Rankin, Jeanette (1880–1973), 722, 750,
Rapp-Coudert Committee, 857
Rauschenbusch, Walter (1861–1918),
RCA Victor, 783
Readjustor movement, 663
Reagan, Nancy (1921–2016), 1059
Reagan, Ronald (1911–2004), 885, 929,
1052, 1056, 1057–69, 1076, 1082,
1110, 1112, 1124, 1136
background of, 1058
Cold War and, 1065–66, 1068
conservatives and, 1065
in election of 1980, 1057–58
Gorbachev and, 1067–68, 1068
as host of General Electric Theater, 947
inequality under, 1063–64, 1068
Iran-Contra affair and, 1067, 1068
labor and, 1062–63
legacy of, 1068–69
Reaganomics, 1059–62
Reagan Revolution, 1058–69
real estate:
deals, 1063
speculation, 1063
Rebel without a Cause (movie), 966–67
recall, 717

Public Works Administration (PWA), 826
Puck, 680
Puerto Rico, 681, 684, 686, 687, 760–61,
as commonwealth, 686
migration from, 952, 1091
U.S. acquisition of, 651, 680, 683, 735
Pujo, Arsène (1861–1939), 786
Pulitzer, Joseph (1847–1911), 680
Pullman, Ill., strike in, 656, 676, 706
Pure Food and Drug Act (1906), 696, 726
Puritans, Puritanism:
Indians and, 1098
slavery and, 1098
PWA, see Public Works Administration

Quaker Oats Company, 607
Quayle, Dan (1947–), 1069
Quicksilver Messenger Service, 1012

Rabelais, François (ca. 1494–1553?), 796
race, racism, 854–55, 884, 886, 893–94,
896, 918, 921, 925, 928, 987 , 989,
995–96, 1002, 1015, 1069, 1101
Americanism vs., 854, 884, 997
Andrew Johnson and, 579
Hollywood and, 918
integration and, 640, 924, 969, 978,
and Japanese-Americans, 890–93
law and, 805–6
Nixon and, 1033
and post-World War II civil rights, 924
progressivism and, 755
as “race problem,” 755, 761
Reconstruction and, 595
riots and, 886, 893, 999–1001, 1097,
social construction of, 806
in South Africa, 917
by U.S. government, 851
see also segregation
Races and Racism (Benedict), 885
radar, 874, 943
radiation, 899, 927, 928 , 962
Radical Division, Justice Department, 771
Radical Reconstruction, 579–94
Radical Republicans, 581–82, 583, 583 ,
597, 653
radio, 781, 783, 784, 801, 878
FDR and, 839, 840
fundamentalism on, 834–35
religion and, 834–35, 953
Railroad Administration, 747

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