An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-125

Reform Bureau, 643
Refregier, Anton, 925
Regents of the University of California v.
Bakke, 1036, 1126
regulatory power, 790
rise of U.S. government, 726, 824,
841–44, 858, 997, 998
Rehnquist, William (1924–2005), 1127
Reid, Wallace (1892–1923), 796
religion, 735, 1100, 1106
of African-Americans, rise in, 568, 570
Cold War and, 953–54
as conflict source, 1125
counterculture and, 1013–14
divisiveness of, 1125
fundamentalist, 799–801
media and, 834–35
nationalism and, 1151–52
and Prohibition, 752
radio and, 834–35
social reform and, 643–44
temperance and, 643
see also specific denominations
religious freedom, 889
communism and, 953–54
Four Freedoms and, 862, 876, 903
Fourteenth Amendment and, 807
fundamentalism vs., 801
September 11 terrorist attacks and, 1112
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
and, 920
see also diversity; pluralism
religious right, 1053–54, 1057
see also Christian Right
rendition, Bush administration and, 1119
Reno, Janet (1938–), 1076
Reno, Milo, 813
“Report on Economic Conditions in the
South,” 857
reproductive rights, 1017, 1024, 1026–27,
Republican Party (modern), 630, 631, 642,
654, 657–58, 790–91, 805, 852, 854,
858, 867, 876, 914, 926, 927, 930,
933, 936, 957, 959–60, 992, 995,
1006, 1008, 1010, 1032, 1048, 1056,
1069, 1078, 1081, 1084, 1121, 1135,
1136, 1138, 1147–48
as anti-immigrant, 1099–1100, 1110
black members of, 663
black voters and, 590
in campaign of 1960, 979
Christianity aligned with, 1031, 1100
Clinton and, 1076

recessions, economic:
of 1974–75, 1047
of 1991, 1074, 1082
of 2001, 1084, 1120
of 2007, 1128, 1129, 1132 , 1141
of 2008–9, 1141
African-Americans and, 1142
Reaganomics and, 1062
Reconstruction, 564–602, 578 , 599 , 624,
635, 653, 763 , 1103
African-Americans in, 566–74, 575–78,
582, 585–87, 590–92, 659, 661, 662,
664–66, 762, 863, 924
battle over, 579–80
black officeholders during, 591–92
“black supremacy” during, 594
Johnson’s policies in, 573, 579–84
Ku Klux Klan in, 665, 762, 802
overthrow of, 594–601
public schools in, 593
radical, 579–94
railroads built in, 594
Redeemers and, 659
segregation in, 664–66
violence in, 595–96
white farmers in, 574
women’s rights and, 587–88
see also Presidential Reconstruction;
Radical Reconstruction; Second
Reconstruction Act (1867), 584, 590
Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 815
Red Cross, 893
Redeemers, 598–99, 659–60
Red Line Agreement, 795
Red Menace, The (movie), 918, 919
Red Monday, 1021
Red Power, 1019
Red Scare, 770–71, 779, 780, 810
Red Square, 1068
Reedy, William M., 713
referendum, initiative and, 717
reform, 581, 720–21, 730–31, 858
in Gilded Age, 632–36, 643–44
and immigrants, 758
maternalist, 722–24, 837
middle class and, 641
and Prohibition, 751–52
Protestants and, 643–44
religion and, 643–44
segregation and, 763
sexual freedom and, 788
temperance and, 643
Reform Act, British (1884), 630

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