An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-134 ★ INDEX

Thoreau, Henry David (1817–1862), 727,
976, 1140
Three Mile Island, 1049
Thurmond, Strom (1902–2003), 926, 995
Tiananmen Square, protests in, 604, 1071
Tibet, 1013
Tilden, Samuel J. (1814–1886), 600
Till, Emmett (1941–1955), 974
Time, 853, 917–18, 929, 967, 974, 1020
“Times They Are A-Changin’, The” (Dylan),
Titanic, 734
Title IX, 1037
Tito, see Broz, Josip
tobacco, 573, 660
Tobacco Belt, 573
Tocqueville, Alexis de (1805–1859), 635,
Tokyo, Japan, 900
Toledo, Ohio, 716, 831
“too big to fail”, financial institutions, 1138
torture, 1119–20, 1136
To Secure These Rights, 925
totalitarianism, 919–20, 1066
see also dictators, dictatorships
Tourgée, Albion W. (1838–1905), 665
Townsend, Francis (1867–1960), 834, 835
Townsend Clubs, 834
Toynbee Hall, 720
expansion of, 865
in World War II, 866, 877
see also free trade; slave trade
transcendentalism, 727
“Trans-National America” (Bourne), 758
transportation, 716
in Europe, 959
public, 946
see also railroads
Transportation Department, U.S., 997
Trans World Airline, 1096
Treaty of Amity and Commerce (1778), 913
treaty system, elimination of, 624
Triangle Shirtwaist Company, fire at,
691–92, 700, 810, 823
“triangulation,” 1078
tribalism, attack on Native American,
Triborough Bridge, 826
trickle-down economics, see supply-side
Trotter, William Monroe (1872–1934), 762,

Ten Commandments, The (movie), 953
Tennessee, 663
Ku Klux Klan founded in, 595
prison labor in, 660
Scopes trial in, 801–2
Tennessee River, 826
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 826, 827
Tenskwatawa (1775–1836), 627
Tenure of Office Act (1867), 584
Terman, Lewis (1877–1956), 759
“termination”, and Native Americans, 1019
terrorism, 1066, 1105–7
domestic, 1118
in Oklahoma City, 771, 1101–2
September 11 attacks, 752, 992, 1046,
1105–7, 1106 , 1110, 1111, 1113,
1114, 1117, 1125, 1134, 1153
war on, 1112, 1117–20, 1125, 1127,
1146, 1147
Tesla, Nikola (1856–1943), 608
Tet offensive, 1024
Texas, 887, 924, 1057, 1092, 1094, 1126,
agriculture in, 785, 944
in Dust Bowl, 827
G. W. Bush and, 1110
Hurricane Katrina victims and, 1122
immigration and, 1124
population of, 694
Populist Party in, 652
segregation in, 851
Texas, University of, segregation at, 972
Texas and Pacific Railroad, 600
Texas Minutemen, 1124
textile industry:
and child labor, 720
decline of, 943
plant closings in, 1120
in South, 660
strikes in, 787, 831, 922
Thailand, 869
Thatcher, Margaret (1925–), 1057
Theory of the Leisure Class, The (Veblen),
Thind, Bhagat Singh (1892–1967), 806
Third Great Awakening, 1053
third parties, in U.S. elections, 633
Third World, 962–63, 969, 1006, 1019,
1038, 1050, 1066
Cold War in, 963–64
Thirteenth Amendment, 582, 614, 906
This Is the Army (movie), 885
Thomas, Clarence (1948–), 1102

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