An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-135

Ulysses (Joyce), 798
Uncle Sam, 646 , 770
Underwood Tariff (1913), 731
unemployment, 706, 729, 731, 846, 854,
862, 873, 942, 988, 998, 1045, 1048,
1063, 1085, 1095 , 1129, 1135, 1139,
1141, 1142
of African-Americans, 1000, 1142
African-Americans and, 849, 1095
Great Depression and, 812, 813 , 814,
815, 825–26, 833, 842
insurance, 837, 846, 847, 850, 1134–35
of Latinos, 1018
in 1990s, 1082
public spending to combat, 844, 845
Second New Deal and, 835, 837, 845 ,
858, 859
in Soviet Union, 822
in 2001, 1120
Unintended Legacy (Goshorn), 1099
Union League, 590, 592, 748
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, see
Soviet Union
Union Pacific Railroad, 630
unions, 645, 657, 676, 708–9, 769, 770 ,
787, 790, 796, 813, 830–33, 852, 854,
855, 894, 906, 933, 943, 954, 955,
1004, 1046–47, 1062, 1086, 1139,
African-Americans and, 761, 765, 766,
855, 894, 896, 969, 988
blacklisting organizers of, 837
Brandeis and, 704
Clinton and, 1078
company unions vs., 787
consumerism and, 703
counterculture and, 1009
discrimination by, 1015
in election of 1936, 841
emergence of, 831
Ford and, 702
in Great Britain, 1057
in Great Depression, 830–33, 831
highways and, 960
Homestead strike and, 649–50
industrialism and, 610
Ku Klux Klan and, 803
Latinos and, 1018
membership in, 832, 875–76, 1086
NAFTA and, 1076
New Deal and, 825, 858, 859
in 1950s, 960
Nixon and, 1034

Troubles, The, 1026
Troy, N.Y., manufacturing in, 606
Trujillo Molina, Rafael (1891–1961), 864
Truman, Harry S. (1884–1972), 882,
898–99, 900, 902, 906, 907, 909–10,
1078, 1112
African-Americans and, 924–26
anticommunism and, 933, 935
Berlin airlift and, 912
in campaign of 1948, 926–27
civil rights and, 924–25, 972, 978
communist China and, 914
decolonization and, 917
Fair Deal and, 922
Korean War and, 914
national health car and, 920
presidency of, 922–27, 957
strikes and, 923–24
Vietnam and, 963, 964
Truman administration, 907, 909, 914–15,
916, 922–27, 929, 930, 934, 935, 959,
Native Americans and, 1019
Truman Doctrine, 909–10, 929, 935, 954
Trumbo, Dalton (1905–1976), 929
Trumbull, Lyman (1813–1896), 582, 597
trusts, business, 608, 725, 728, 731, 747,
786, 883
and antitrust laws, 731, 883
see also monopolies; Sherman Antitrust
Act (1890)
Tugwell, Rexford G., 828
Tulsa, Okla., race riot in, 767
Tunisia, uprising in, 1146
Turkey, 678, 742, 910, 990
missiles removed from, 990
Turner, Benjamin S., 591
Turner, Frederick Jackson, 613–14
Tuskegee Institute, 673
TVA, see Tennessee Valley Authority
TV dinner, 947
Twain, Mark (1835–1910), 587, 629–30, 684
Tweed, “Boss” William M. (1823–1878), 630
Tweed Ring, 595, 630
Twentieth Amendment, 841
Twenty-first Amendment, 829
Twenty-fourth Amendment, 996
Tyco International, 1084
typewriter, 608

U-2 spy plane, 962
UAW, see United Auto Workers
UFW, see United Farm Workers

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