Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

102 /-155 to //-1

escaping detection. (1090d) That is the source of the fear about the future
which always weighs on them and does not permit them to rejoice or be
of good cheer about the present.

Plutarch A Pleasant Life 1104b (534 U) [1-156]

For Epicurus does not think that one ought to restrain [people] from
injustice by any means other than the fear of punishment.

Plutarch A Pleasant Life 1097a (544 U) [1-157]

And they themselves say that benefitting [others] is pleasanter than
receiving benefits.

Plutarch On How to Listen to Poets 37a
(548 U)


"It is not great sums of money or a mass of possessions, nor even
certain political offices and powers, which produce happiness and blessed-
ness, but rather freedom from pain and gentleness in our feelings and a
disposition of soul which measures out what is natural"

Aelian Miscellaneous Histories 4.13 (602 U) [1-159]

[Epicurus] said that he was ready to rival Zeus for happiness, as long
as he had a barley cake and some water.

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