Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

130 l/-13 to l/-19

groundless attraction. This occurs in the melancholic^17 and in mad men;
at any rate when Orestes in the tragedy^18 says,

Mother! I beg you, do not shake at me
those bloody, snakelike maidens!
They, they are leaping at me!

he says this like a madman, and sees nothing, but only thinks that he
does. 6. That is why Electra says to him,

Stay, poor wretch, peacefully in your bed;
for you see none of those things which you think you clearly

Similarly, there is Theoclymenus in Homer.^19

Pseudo-Galen Medical Definitions 126
(19.381 K. = SVF 2.89)


A conception is a stored-up thought, and a thought is a rational presen-

Augustine City ofGod 8.7 (SVF 2.106) [11-15]

... those who placed the criterion of truth in the bodily senses, and
thought that every object of learning should be measured by their stan-
dards, like the Epicureans and all others of the sort, including even the
Stoics. For although they passionately loved the skill of debating, which
they call dialectic, they thought it should be derived from the bodily
senses, asserting that it was from this source that the soul acquired
conceptions, which they call ennoiai, i.e., those things which are clarified
by definition; from this source (they said) the entire system of teaching
and learning is generated and the links within it are forged.

Origen Against Celsus 7.37 (SVF 2.108) [11-16]

... [Celsus] dogmatically asserts, like the Stoics who abolish intelligible
substances, that everything which is grasped is grasped by the senses
and every act of [mental] grasping is dependent on the senses ....

  1. Those affected by an excess of black bile, not the melancholic in our sense.

  2. Euripides Orestes 255-259.

  3. Odyssey 20.350 ff.

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