Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

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Sextus M 9.211 (SVF 2.341) [11-44]

... The Stoics say that every cause is a body which causes something
incorporeal in a body. For example, a scalpel, which is a body, causes
in flesh, which is a body, the incorporeal predicate "being cut". Again,
fire, which is a body, causes in wood, which is a body, the incorporeal
predicate "being burned".

Simplicius Comm. on Aristotle's Categories
1b25 (= CIAG 8.66.32-67.2; SVF 2.369)


The Stoics think it right to reduce the number of primary categories.
And among this reduced number they include some which have been
changed. For they divide them into four: substrates [underlying things],
and qualities [qualified things], dispositions [things in a certain state]
and relative dispositions [things in a certain state with respect to

Galen On Incorporeal Qualities 1, 19.463-464
K. (SVF 2.377)


There was a discussion of qualities and of all accidents, which the
Stoics say are bodies.

Aetius 1.15.6 (=Dox. Gr. p. 313, SVF 1.91) [11-47]

Zeno the Stoic says that colours are primary arrangements of matter.

Galen Comm. On Hippocrates On Humours 1,
16.32 K. (SVF 1.92)


Zeno of Citium believed that, like qualities, substances were totally

Aetius 4.20.2 (=Dox. Gr. p. 410, SVF 2.387) [11-49]

The Stoics say that voice is a body. For everything which acts or has
effects is a body. And voice acts and has effects. For we hear it and
perceive it striking our ears and making an impression like a seal-ring
on wax. Again, everything which stimulates or disturbs is a body; and
good music stimulates us and bad music disturbs us. Again, everything
which is in motion is a body; and voice is in motion and strikes smooth
surfaces and is reflected as in the case of a ball thrown against a wall. At
any rate, inside the Egyptian pyramids, one utterance produces four or
even five echoes.

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