Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Plutarch Stoic Self-Contradictions
1053f-1054b (SVF 2.449)


(1053£) ... again in On Conditions [Chrysippus] says that conditions
[hexeis] are nothing but [parcels] of air. For bodies are held together by
these, and it is air which holds together and is responsible for the quality
of each of the things held together by a condition. They call this air
"hardness" in iron, "denseness" in stone, "whiteness" in silver. (1054a)
... And yet they claim all the time that matter, which is in itself inactive
and unmoving, underlies the qualities and that the qualities, which are
pneumata and airy tensions, produce forms and shapes (1054b) in whatever
parts of matter they are in.

Pseudo-Galen Introduction 9, 13 14.697 and
726 K. (SVF 2.716)


  1. According to the ancients, there are two [forms of] pneuma: that of
    the soul and that of nature. And the Stoics add a third, that of hexis,
    which they call a condition ....

  2. There are two forms of the inborn pneuma, that of nature and that
    of soul; and some add a third, that of hexis. The pneuma which holds
    things is what makes stones cohere [hold together], while that of nature
    is what nourishes animals and plants, and that of the soul is that which,
    in animate objects, makes animals capable of sense-perception and of
    every kind of movement.

Aetius 1.3.25 (= Dox. Gr. p. 289; SVF 1.85) [11-52]

Zeno of Citium, son of Mnaseas, says the principles are god and matter,
the former being responsible for acting, the latter for being acted upon.
And there are four elements.

Achilles Introduction to Aratus p. 31, 1-3
(SVF 1.85)


-Zeno of Citium says that the principle of the universe is god and
matter, god being the active and matter what is acted upon. From these
the four elements came into being.

Chalcidius Comm. on Plato's Timaeus c. 290
(SVF 1.86)


But several philosophers distinguish matter and substance, such as
Zeno and Chrysippus. They say that matter is that which underlies all
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