Ancient Greek Civilization

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Map 6 Some Greek settlements in Italy and Sicily.

“Zancle was originally  settled by  marauders   who arrived from    the Chalcidian  city    of  Cyme    in  Oscan
territory, but later large numbers of people came from Chalcis and the rest of Euboea and joined in
the settlement. The leaders were Perieres of Cyme and Crataemenes of Chalcis. The original name
was Zancle, given to it by the native Sicilians, because the place resembles a sickle in shape, the
Sicilian word for which is zanklon. Later, however, the Sicilians were driven off by Samians and
some other Ionian Greeks who put in at Sicily as they were trying to escape from the Persians. But
before long the Samians were driven off by Anaxilas, the ruler of Rhegium, who settled into the city
himself with a population of men drawn from various places and he changed the name to Messana
after his own original homeland.” (Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 6.4.5–6)

The Polis

We saw earlier that, during the Submycenaean Period as well, the Greeks extended their territory, by
migrating eastward across the Aegean Sea to settle on the west coast of Asia Minor. But there is a very
great difference between these two periods of migration. That earlier period was an especially unsettled
time, and Greece was beset by destitution and a precipitous decline in population. The period that begins
with the eighth century, by contrast, is characterized by rapidly increasing prosperity and expanding

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