Ancient Greek Civilization

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

and friend, of the nature of oral technique in a new edition with an audio and video CD documenting
Slavic oral performances recorded by Parry.

Vernant, J-P. Myth and Thought among the Greeks, English translation (London 1983): a collection of
essays by one of the most brilliant students of Greek culture, including revelatory studies of Hesiod’s
myths of human degeneration and Prometheus.

Suggested Internet Resources

Theoi Greek Mythology (, accessed March 29, 2016) is an extensive, well-documented site
devoted to the gods and heroes of Greek myth, including over 1,000 ancient images, with a separate table
outlining the genealogy of the gods from Hesiod’s Theogony.

The Chicago Homer (, accessed March 29, 2016) is a multilingual
database containing the texts of Hesiod and Homer, in both Greek and English, that allows the user to see
easily the extent of the formulaic language that characterizes early Greek hexameter verse.

On Reciting Ancient Greek (, accessed March 29, 2016) has
links to sound files of recitations from the Odyssey according to ancient Greek pronunciation, with
perceptive discussion, by Alan Shaw, a writer, composer, and translator.

Homeric Singing – An Approach to the Original Performance (, accessed March 29,
2016) is a more adventuresome attempt, based on sound scholarly research, to recreate the sound of a
Homeric recitation in performance, with musical accompaniment.

An eEdition of a South Slavic Oral Epic (, accessed March 29, 2016) is an
extraordinary multimedia, hyperlinked resource that allows the visitor to experience an oral performance
by a non-literate Slavic bard recorded by Milman Parry in 1935.

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