The New Russian Nationalism Imperialism, Ethnicity and Authoritarianism

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
the new russian nationalism


the Far North (M.E. Sharpe, 2013). She is currently working
on Russian and Western European intellectual connections and
has recently edited Eurasianism and the European Far Right:
Reshaping the Russia–Europe Relations (Lexington, 2015).

Anastasia Mitrofanova is Chair of Political Science, Church–
State Relations and the Sociology of Religion at the Russian
Orthodox University of St John the Divine, Moscow, and
Professor at the Financial University under the Government of
the Russian Federation. Mitrofanova’s research interests include
religious politicisation, religio- political movements, Orthodox
Christianity and politics, fundamentalism and nationalism
in post- Soviet states. She has published the books Politizatsiia
‘pravoslavnogo mira’ (Nauka, 2004) and The Politicization of
Russian Orthodoxy: Actors and Ideas (ibidem- Verlag, 2005). Her
most recent publications include ‘The Russian Orthodox Church’
(co- authored with Zoe Knox) in Eastern Christianity and Politics
in the Twenty- First Century (Routledge, 2014, edited by Lucian
N. Leustean) and ‘Orthodox Fundamentalism: Intersection
of Modernity, Postmodernity and Tradition’ in Orthodox
Paradoxes: Heterogeneities and Complexities in Contemporary
Russian Orthodoxy (Brill, 2014, edited by Katya Tolstaya).

Emil Pain is Director General of the Centre for Ethno- Political
and Regional Studies, Moscow, and Professor of Political Science,
National Research University–Higher School of Economics. He
has published thirteen books and more than 300 articles, focus-
ing on nationality politics, ethnic conflict and terrorism in Russia,
Caucasus and Central Asia. From 1996 to 1999 he served as
President Boris Eltsin’s adviser on nationality issues. In 2000–
he was a Galina Starovoitova Fellow on Conflict Resolution at
the Kennan Institute (Washington, DC, USA). His main publica-
tions include Between Empire and Nation: The Modernization
Project and its Traditionalist Alternative in the National Policy of
Russia (Novoe izdatel’stvo, 2004, in Russian), The Ethnopolitical
Pendulum: Dynamics and Mechanisms of Ethnopolitical Processes
in Post- Soviet Russia (Institut sotsiologii RAN, 2004, in Russian),
Tolerance against Xenophobia: Foreign and Russian Experiences

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